

8 March: Freedom for the Mapuche women prisoners

There are many demands with which we come to this 8M. In this letter, we are writing to all the compañeras and compañeres who are organising actions in different territories of Abya Yala, to propose that the demand to the…

Gigi Sohn Withdraws FCC Nomination After Vicious Industry and Right-Wing Smear Campaign

Gigi Sohn , President Biden’s pick for the Federal Communications Commission — and a champion of net neutrality and consumer rights — has withdrawn her nomination following an onslaught of attacks by industry lobbyists. On Tuesday, conservative Democrat Joe Manchin…

Guatemala – An exclusion that tastes like fear

Opposition movement rejects TSE’s arbitrary measure The Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Guatemala has arbitrarily denied the registration of the presidential candidate of the Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples (MLP) in next June’s elections. “These are totally absurd…

The trail of cowards

The most revolutionary act a person can perform is to tell the truth. Blinded by rage and impotence, the president of Guatemala and his troops in power have abandoned dissimulation to launch themselves – with all the legal arsenal in…

International protection for Lake Chad advances

Niger announced on Thursday that it will join the United Nations Water Convention, as neighbouring Cameroon and Chad have already done, and Nigeria is expected to join as well, to advance the protected management of the Lake Chad basin, which…

The women who stood with Martin Luther King Jr. and sustained a movement for social change

Historian Vicki Crawford was one of the first scholars to focus on women’s roles in the civil rights movement. Her 1993 book, “Trailblazers and Torchbearers,” dives into the stories of female leaders whose legacies have often been overshadowed. By Vicki Crawford Today…

Women Don’t Let Women Drive War: Feminists Say Fire Nuland

When President Biden nominated Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary of State, CODEPINK feminists objected to her nomination out of concern she would bring pain and heartache to mothers and daughters as she fomented war in their midst. Instead of promoting diplomacy,…

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to world leaders

We, the women of the world, meeting together in Dehradun, India as the ¨Diverse of Women for Diversity¨, and representing 17 nationalities and multiple cultures, welcome and support the decision of the Mexican government through the presidential decree to phase out…

Experts plea with Australian Prime Minister to save Assange – Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney

Politicians, lawyers, journalists, whistle blowers and human rights defenders have pleaded with Prime Minister Albanese to step up his efforts to free imprisoned Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange. Experts testified at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on 4 March,…

BAN Toxics Recognizes Women’s Multiple Burdens: Calls for Protection and Empowerment

“Women in chemical-intensive industries and waste work face multiple burdens. They are disproportionately impacted by hazardous chemicals and waste exposure due to social, biological factors, and gender differences,” Donna Paz T. Reyes, Board Member of BAN Toxics said, as the…

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