

It will take 80 years for parliaments to have gender parity

For the first time in history, according to a new report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), not a single functioning parliament in the world is “all-male”, but achieving parity is a little further away: 80 years away from gender balance…

Report – Europe rearming as the US increases its role in the global arms trade

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released a new report on the global arms trade on Monday (13). According to the data provided, the volume of international transfers in the period between 2018 and 2022 was 5.1 per cent…

The day an Oscar-winner stood up against war

Five days later after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the 75th Academy Awards ceremony took place at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles. On that day, filmmaker Michael Moore was honoured with the golden statuette together with Michael Donovan for…

Brazil – five years without Marielle Franco

On 14 March 2018, Marielle Franco, a Rio de Janeiro councillor, human rights defender and particularly for the rights of black women and sexual diversities, was assassinated. After five years, there are no responses, no perpetrators, no justice. As an…

Active nonviolence is the only way out of the folly of war.

Very often, the word nonviolence conjures up the image of good people who do not harm others and who, in general, prefer to avoid conflict. Nonviolence is associated with a form of passivity, with not being violent, or even with…

John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange

This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino’s sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, ‘figures of courage’. I have known…

“[The guard] was young, probably about the same age as my detention.” On the birthday of Ilhan Sami Çomak

For twenty-nine years, a poet has his birthday in prison. Ilhan Sami Çomak, who was incarcerated in 1994, had an open visitation on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. His attorney brought messages from people around the world to the…

China mediates restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia

After seven years of dispute and estrangement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it was officially announced that the two nations have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations. The deal was made possible thanks to Chinese sponsorship, which facilitated the signing last…

Meeting with Stella Moris Assange in Athens

On the occasion of the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle to free Julian Assange” as part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the special screening organized in Athens by Meta – Center for a Post-Capitalist Culture,…

Call for an Emergency International Conference to Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche (EIRNS) The tremors in the financial system felt around the world triggered by the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the United States, its subsequent closure and being put in receivership, are the clarion call for…

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