

Less hustle and bustle and loneliness: supermarket in the Netherlands has “chatting checkouts

The Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo has introduced slower checkouts for the first time in 2019. The idea is to give customers more time not only to pay and pack, but also to talk to the cashiers. The aim is to…

Bangladesh, Myanmar need to pursue a ‘fruitful Rohingya solution strategy

A 22-member team of Myanmar immigration officials visited Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar to verify more than 400 Rohingya refugees as part of a pilot repatriation project. Does it hold out any hope for the forcibly displaced people to…

David Swanson Supports April 2nd

Correction: I should have said Kansas, not Kentucky. World BEYOND War supports getting in the streets everywhere on April 2nd for peace and nonviolent action with Europe for Peace. World BEYOND War members in Europe will spread the word and…

Massive White House Protest Against Endless Wars

Anti-war protesters demonstrated across the country yesterday on the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and the ensuing war. Across from the White House in Lafayette Square, protesters heard speakers condemning America’s “eternal wars” and called for a reduction…

Orwellian Newspeak and Minitrue now reign in the West

The Proclamation of Russian hate is being witnessed all over the West, and in an especially strong manner in Europe.  Here are some examples which took place in late February in various European capitals. Berlin, Germany, 26 February 2023: A…

Artist Par Excellence: Lani Maestro

Sandwiched with the skyscraper Shangri-La Hotel and the less imposing The Keg betwixt Thurlow and Bute along West Georgia Streets downtown, Lani Maestro’s installation art, sculpted glass texts and neon light that reads on two columns, No Pain Like This…

Mercury-Laced Cosmetics: Banned in the US, Sold in the Philippines

19 March 2023, Quezon City.  Eleven skin-lightening products banned in the USA for containing mercury are sold to Filipino consumers posing a serious health risk for their mostly women users, as well as other household residents, especially children. The EcoWaste…

Global E-Waste Crisis, No Signs of Slowing Down

As the country celebrates Consumer Welfare Month and commemorates International Waste Pickers’ Day (held on March 1), BAN Toxics warns against the unsustainable production and consumption of disposable tech feeding the e-waste crisis, the fastest-growing waste stream. “Annually, the world…

India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal Quadrilateral cooperation

The sub-region has immense potential for economic growth and significant untapped economic potential for intra-regional trade. By Dr. Shakuntala Bhabani Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal (BBIN)  sub-regional initiative, which was endorsed way back in 1997 to strengthen the region’s pursuit…

The East and West of Democracy and Human Rights

Democracy and Human Rights have become a buzzword in the 21st Century. After the ascension of the Biden administration in the United States (US), we are seeing a new foreign policy based on these two concepts. We often see politicians…

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