

Humanity and hope: Noam Chomsky

We open with an interview with Noam Chomsky by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now in 2020 a series of short videos of personalities who are different but united by a common feeling.  This project aims to offer food for thought…

How the Cuban Government and Its People Collaborated on the Family Code

 Revolutionary Havana youth describe the process of building legislation in dialogue with the people. By Natalia Marques On September 25, 2022, Cuba passed one of the world’s most progressive codes on families. All in one go, the small island nation legalized same-sex…

Seven years to go to protect water resources

The world has seven years left to adequately protect its freshwater resources and available data show that what is being done is not enough, according to a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) study released on Friday, 17 March. “Seven years:…

The colours are in you – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“No country can claim to be free of racism. It is a worldwide preoccupation and the fight to end racism requires a universal effort”. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action From Convergence of Cultures-Chile, which is a universalist humanist…

Hafganistan – mobilise against the fascist drift of Israeli government

For almost three months now we have had an extreme right-wing coalition government in Israel. It is headed by the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, and its main allies are the religious orthodox and two local fascists, Itamar Ben Gvir and Betzalel…

Stella Moris Assange: turning the spotlight back on the US

A few weeks earlier, Stella Moris Assange, lawyer and partner of Julian Assange, came to Greece. The occasion was the screening of the documentary “Ithaca – the battle for the liberation of Julian Assange” at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival…

Amazon Rainforest Destabilizes the World

A new 40-year study discovered the eye-opening fact that what happens in the Amazon Rainforest impacts the entire Earth system. This puts an exclamation point on the fact that the Amazon Rainforest, the planet’s most crucial source of life support,…

Bolivia: Crisis in the MAS: Schism or Reinstatement?

By Rafael Bautista S1. Beyond the superficial opinions and the mixture of accusations, the MAS crisis (which marks its own birth to political life) manifests something that escapes the whole range of media analysis; because that something is already naturalized…

HKWall Street Art Festival 2023

When it comes to things to do in Hong Kong, most people immediately think of visiting breathtaking skylines at night, sunbathing on beautiful beaches or, a daytrip to Disneyland. However, Hong Kong’s 8th edition of the HKWall street art festival…

Face 2 Face with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

On this show, we speak with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, about her Call for an Emergency International Conference to Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System after Silicon Valley Bank and other banks collapsed. Helga is a political activist and widow of Lyndon LaRouche,…

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