

Congress approves “trigger-happy” Chile

Over the last 30 years, Latin America has progressively become one of the most dangerous regions in the world in terms of citizen security. According to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), year 2022, of…

What a mess has been made of… The world of relationships

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are setting up a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives…

Not giving up

” She doesn’t give up as long as she has a heart. She doesn’t give up as long as she has a reason”. One hour and 25 minutes of reflections, voices that cry, that evoke, that spill out and get…

Afghan refugee women. Safura

When you think you’ve arrived you realise that there are many other borders here. Language. The aid. The system says all the time: no documents. Bureaucracy is racist By María González Reyes¹/ctxt I know who she is and I approach…

The Cáceres mine gets closer and closer

In Spain, the people of Cáceres oppose the implementation of a mining project that the government continues to promote in spite of everything. As the author of this article says, “the administration is agile with large companies and slow, very…

April 2 wears the colours of peace

April 2, 2023 will be an important date for pacifism. Thousands of people and associations from different parts of the world have come together to give life, all together, to a day of activities dedicated to promoting peace and raising…

BAN Toxics Calls for No More Mercury Dental Fillings in Children

Amalgam is a dental filling material that is 50% mercury, a neurotoxin and pollutant. This week, BAN Toxics marks a historic milestone in the effort to protect children from amalgam’s mercury: the one-year anniversary of winning the Children’s Amendment to…

EcoWaste Coalition Promotes a Low-Carbon and Plastic-Free Holy Week

1 April 2023, Quezon City.  The EcoWaste Coalition, an advocate for a zero waste and toxics-free society, exhorted the faithful to mark the Holy Week with less carbon dioxide and less plastic waste. “As we remember and reflect on Christ’s…

IFOR stands up at the UN for conscientious objectors in Ukraine and refers the cases of Vitalii Alexeenko, Hennadii Tomniuk and Andrii Vyshnevetsky

On the occasion of the interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Ukraine, held at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 31st, IFOR’s main representative to the UN Ms. Zaira Zafarana…

Goodbye, Doctrine of Discovery

We should all applaud the Vatican, after almost six centuries, repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. Exactly two centuries ago, the Doctrine of Discovery was put into U.S. law in the same year in which the Monroe Doctrine was created. The Doctrine of…

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