

Fifty Years After Chile’s Coup, the First Year of Popular Unity

A conversation with Miguel Lawner, who remembers life as a former political prisoner of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship while projecting his hope that Salvador Allende’s government could improve the lives of Chileans onto the current progressive government. By Taroa Zúñiga…

How bad policy ends up hurting the environment and the people

In general, we seek the expression of life in all its fullness. All this so that people can express their full capacities, faculties and potential, so that ecosystems and their respective species can express their life potential. But for that…

Peru – the bastion of fascism in the region

By Laura Arroyo Gárate* – SER.PE News In the last few hours, the Lugar de la Memoria (Place of Memory) has been arbitrarily closed down, demonstrating the advances in the chain of censorship of this regime. A chain that did…

Chinese students get time off to ‘fall in love’

The initiative was a response to requests from students seeking more time to make new friends and “experience the beauty of love“, the schools said. Nine Chinese vocational educational institutions have granted their students a week’s holiday so they can…

Why are there few Ellsbergs – other than Snowden and Manning?

Terminally ill whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg wants more copycats and is concerned about nuclear threats. Editors of the online newspaper Infosperber In the midst of the Vietnam War in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg had leaked secret military papers to the New York…

A petition drive for the release of Julian Assange has begun among members of Congress

Action4Assange activists supporting Rep. Tlaib’s petition initiative will storm Capitol Hill in Washington DC this Tuesday — not in the manner of Trump supporters two years ago, but peacefully and diplomatically. Sit-ins of support April 11th in Rome and in…

Appreciating and Honoring Chiara Lubich: The Apostle of Dialogue

by Genevieve Balance Kupang The above painting of the radiant and joyful Chiara Lubich signifies the congregations’ ecstatic celebratory consciousness that day when we commemorated the Silver Anniversary of the Awarding by the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas…

The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks

In late February 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job…

On the road to humanism

We, Westerners, have been robbed of our access to and ability to get in touch with the Sacred. In all forms, not only in the religious or mystical sense but also in art, in communication with our fellow human beings,…

Why we will be proposing an Unconditional and Universal Basic Income

One of the most controversial aspects when talking about Universal and Unconditional Basic Income is its universality. Many people, even from progressive ideologies, do not agree that wealthy people should receive the Unconditional Basic Income. EUREKA By UNIVERSALITY we mean…

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