

On Ukrainian Nazism, or Why a New Nuremberg is Necessary – Part 1

The famous Ukrainian political, leader of the party «Platform of Opposition: for Life» in a long article makes a comparative analysis between Zelensky´s government today in Ukraine and Hitler´s regime. Here we offer a shortened 3 parts series. By Viktor…

SOS Humanity takes legal action against distant port policy of Italian authorities

The search and rescue organisations SOS Humanity, Mission Lifeline and Sea-Eye are taking legal action at the Civil Court in Rome against the Italian authorities’ systematic policy of assigning distant ports. The Italian authorities assigned Ravenna in northern Italy to…

Earth Day: Groups Advocate for Toxics-Free Circular Economy

22 April 2023, Quezon City.  As Earth Day is observed amid the planetary chemical and pollution crisis, advocates push for actions to ensure chemicals are produced, used, and managed in a way that will prevent their harmful impacts on human…

Declare Climate Emergency Now!

BBM challenged to declare a national state of climate emergency; Climate activists and faith-based groups commit to do the same and take Bold Actions Quezon City, 20 April 2023 – In celebration of Earth Day, climate activists and concerned citizens…

Waskiri’, the mysterious pre-Hispanic city discovered in Bolivia and bordering Chile

It is a ceremonial centre with “unprecedented characteristics” for the Andes region, located in the province of Carangas, in the Bolivian altiplano. By Ronald Ángel Researchers from Argentina and France discovered in the province of Carangas in the Department of…

Analysing individualism as a capricious way of life

“It is no coincidence, by no means, that virtual hyper-communication, the obsession with personal and individual success and the pursuit of pseudo-achievements reign in our times to the detriment of abysmally more important aspects of our lives…” By Opazo Today…

Finance’s role in the disappearance of an indigenous people in Paraguay

In 2022, an isolated indigenous group disappeared in the Brazilian Amazon. With the death of one man, the last member of an isolated tribe, an entire culture can disappear. But this disappearance did not happen on the spur of the…

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection Denounces Ukraine’s Suspension of Human Right to Conscientiously Object

By European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, April 21, 2023 The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) met with its member organisation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (Український Рух Пацифістів), in Kiev on 15 and 16 April 2023. EBCO also met with conscientious objectors and members…

Stop the war and impose peace

Reports of public debate and government acts insist on one key idea: to continue the war in Ukraine until the contenders are defeated or win. To this end, ever more powerful weapons must be sent to the war front. Amid…

Marianella Kloka – DiEM25 Candidate Member of Parliament of West Attica

This video was made in collaboration with Pressenza’s Greek team, Tony Robinson, and produced and published by DiEM25’s party to be used during the national elections campaign on May 21st, 2023. 👍 Quality of life is about living without the…

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