

Recycling Day: three steps to reduce 3 million tonnes of plastic in 10 years

Organisations have submitted a regulatory proposal to the Ministry of the Environment with measures such as enabling the reuse of packaging at points of sale and eliminating regulatory barriers to reuse packaging in cosmetics and animal feed. By Maria del…

“G7 Leaders condemn the threat of nuclear weapons and take concrete action to eliminate them”

On the eve of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, with Nagasaki, the symbolic city of the destruction that nuclear weapons can wreak, political and civil society initiatives for nuclear disarmament are also multiplying in Italy. This morning [May 18, 2023]…

Challenging the status quo as Himba youth in Namibia call for change in traditional norms and culture

As technology develops at a dizzying rate, cultures rooted in traditions that go back centuries are struggling to adapt, with older generations either unimpressed or frightened by the tidal wave of change that threatens them with extinction. Will peoples such…

The left and the Chilean constitutional debate: The history of a rebellion, or the death throes of a political form

Chile’s political form expired on 18 October 2019, when huge protests erupted over an increase in public transport, which later turned into a real social explosion. By Gilberto Lopes, in San José, Costa Rica This is what Fernando Atria, a…

On the verge of historic change

The change in the new world order will have to go beyond economic, political and military issues. It is a deeper, broader and more decisive change. Since the Greeks, since Alexander. By Edgar Chacón Morales Some millenarists might say that…

Weaknesses of Argentina’s political regime, hyperinflation and elections

The economic and social crisis that Argentina is experiencing has its correlate in the weaknesses shown by its political regime, especially in this election year, and are laid bare by the difficulties in selecting candidates in the two large coalitions…

The Numbers BlackRock Won’t Crunch

As the planet’s biggest investor, with $9 trillion in assets under management and an army of tech-savvy analysts trained on the scent of easy money, numbers are BlackRock’s bread and butter. A giant with such an enormous appetite should find…

Divergent views between younger and older Australians risk failure to stop climate change

As the effects of climate change continue to become more apparent through extreme weather phenomena, Australian media bias towards older generations’ opinions is causing friction with younger generations, who are increasingly suffering from climate anxiety. Australia is falling behind the…

A small step forward for human rights as Namibia’s Supreme Court grants recognition to same-sex marriages from overseas

In extraordinary and unexpected news, Namibia’s Supreme Court has granted recognition to same-sex marriages conducted overseas putting in doubt the validity of colonial era sodomy laws that, although unused, remain on the statute books since 1927. “We are a country…

A Peaceful USA Revolution Will Help the USA and Also the Entire World

‘Revolution’ is a very positive word that has been increasingly used in a negative sense as well. So it is important to be clear about how this word is used here in a very positive sense. When the problems of…

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