

Can China and the United States Establish Mutual Respect to Lessen Tensions?

On June 3, 2023, naval vessels from the United States and Canada conducted a joint military exercise in the South China Sea. A Chinese warship (LY 132) overtook the U.S. guided-missile destroyer (USS Chung-Hoon) and speeded across its path. The…

Europe’s biggest scandal

By Sergei Shevchuk, ukrainian political scientist Under pressure from the Americans, the Ukrainian court in charge of the biggest European cash bribery case did the unusual: it left everyone happy. As a result, Andriy Kicha, legal director of the Burisma…

“Get solutions to beat plastic pollution,” says BAN Toxics

Environment watchdog group BAN Toxics held a symbolic “walk for creation” on June 5 to emphasize the urgency of people’s actions on plastic pollution in time for World Environment Day.  The walk started from Barasoain Church to La Consolacion University…

Pope Francis in RAI TV Studios, Nicolò Govoni: “Talking About Education With Him Has Always Been My Dream”

The founder of Still I Rise met the Pontiff in the studios of “A Sua immagine” (In His image), during the recording of the episode La Forza della Vita, aired on the Italian TV channel Raiuno on Sunday, June 4.…

When will the United States join the global call to end the war in Ukraine?

Must our leaders bring us to the brink of World War III, with all our lives at stake in an all-out nuclear war, before allowing a cease-fire and a negotiated peace? When will the United States join the global call…

Online Trade of Cosmetics with Mercury Poisons Health and the Environment

4 June 2023, Quezon City.  In time for World Environment Day on June 5 and the mid-year online sales on June 6, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition urged online shopping leaders and dealers to protect human health and the…

Celebrating Philippines’ Independence Day through Artvocacy and Enchanting Ingenuity

The Malabon Artists’ Timeless Art Exhibit Art is a miracle, superior to the laws.” – Arthur Llewellyn Jones/Machen Arthur By Genevieve Balance Kupang On June 12, 2023, the Philippines will celebrate its 125th “Araw ng Kasarinlan o Kalayaan” (Day of Independence/Freedom) from…

US unnecessary and inappropriate meddling in Bangladesh election needs to be stopped

According to the article, the recent push by the US to ‘ensure democracy’ in South Asia has been in Bangladesh with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently announcing that any individual seen as undermining the democratic election process in…

Conflict, Migration, and Demography in Russia and Its Border Regions

For centuries, Russian authorities have modified their approach to managing the country’s large, diverse population, held together by an ethnic Russian core. The war in Ukraine has again altered the Kremlin’s strategy of managing its complex domestic demographics. Despite the…

Another Naples Institute on educational visit to NATO Command.

As reported in a report by Diana Sodano on the JFC Naples Command website, on May 26, another group of schoolchildren from the Neapolitan area, accompanied by their teachers, visited NATO’s strategic facility for Southern and Eastern Europe and Africa…

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