

Central America: Guatemala, the brazenness of a nefarious system

Attempted technical coup d’état The elections in Guatemala on 25 June ratified the image of a country institutionally in ‘checkmate’, prisoner of a deeply corrupt political-institutional system and a predatory neoliberal extractivist economic model, which have forced millions of Guatemalans…

The Ukraine War and Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

By Ramesh Jaura Ahead of first session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) from 31 July to 11 August 2023 in Vienna, the Global…

Thunderstorm and Tea

Taunting a summer clinging to its fiery sun a thunderstorm explodes one after the other on a tin roof and I am caught between rolling the blanket early and making a pot of tea. Tea wins as I am then,…

Chile, and its “never again …. as far as possible”.

State neglect of eye trauma victims 2019. Re-victimisation and consequences of trauma In the face of the distressing news about the fourth suicide of eye trauma victims of the social outburst, the human rights issue is once again placed in…

Pablo Neruda’s Legacy on the Anniversary of his birth (1904)

Every July 12, we commemorate the anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of all time: Pablo Neruda. Born on 12 July 1904 under very precarious conditions in the town of Parral, Chile, Neruda left a literary…

Resolution passed in the House: opportunity for concrete steps for nuclear disarmament

The organizations promoting “Italy, Think Again” (“Italia, ripensaci”) (an initiative launched by Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo e Senzatomica – the Italian Peace and Disarmament Network and Senzatomica – as partners of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) welcome…

NGOs’ complaint to the European Commission: the new Italian law on migratory flows limits search and rescue activities at sea

The Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione) (ASGI), EMERGENCY, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Oxfam Italy and SOS Humanity are filing a complaint with the European Commission to request an examination of the new Italian…

Looking for the shadow

We are facing a very hot summer, with extreme heat waves and with serious consequences for our own health, with unpredictable storms, a so-called hot snap, strong air, and suffocating days, which has repercussions on people’s health. Last year, 11,000…

NATO summit in Vilnius continues to uphold nuclear risk

NATO leaders, meeting in Vilnius at a time of unprecedented nuclear risk, took no action to reduce nuclear dangers and instead issued a communiqué continuing to support the use of nuclear weapons. The alliance pointed to the risks posed by…

Our four children

11 July 2023, El Espectador A few weeks ago, when the joint work of indigenous people and the army succeeded in finding the four children lost in the jungle alive, Mauricio Rodríguez – a peace and leadership builder – wrote:…

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