

“Peacemakers” Program provides training to volunteers and professionals

The project is the result of a partnership among several internationally known organizations working in Brazil, including institutions such as the International University for Peace (UNIPAZ), Afro Reggae, and UNESCO, among others. The program aims to train people who are engaged in areas such as education for peace, citizenship campaigns, conflict mediation, and human rights.

The World March calls on Japan to kick out US bases

On the 3rd and final day in Japan, the World March called on the Government to kick out US bases, a proposal in line with the World March’s demands that foreign troops should withdraw from the territories of other countries. Local organisers welcoming the call described the demand made at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as *“unprecedented”*.

Alarming Statistics on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

One day on from World Food Day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty aims to raise awareness within the public opinion, about the importance of eradicating poverty and homelessness in all countries, and especially in the developing countries. But the shortfall between the aims of this proposal and the real data grows every day.

Demonstrations throughout Spain demanding real action against poverty

*The Alianza Española contra la Pobreza has called for, during the week of October 16-18 in more than 50 cities throughout Spain, demonstrations against the causes of poverty and for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals under the rubric “Rebel against Poverty”. The demonstrators demand that the Government fulfill its promises.*

Demonstration Against Immigration Law

Dozens of organizations demonstrated this past Saturday, October 17, in Madrid, to demand the discontinuation of the project to reform immigration law. “We are protesting because this law sanctions discrimination against immigrants and signifies a violation of human rights,” proclaimed Sara Tajuelo, spokesperson for the Convergence of Cultures.

Hi to the Boys

Participants of the World March make a silent vigil outside Northwood Headquarters, military headquarters facility of the British Armed Forces near London.
It is home to three command and control functions of the British armed forces and NATO; Permanent Joint Headquarters, Commander in Chief Fleet and the NATO Regional Command, Allied Maritime Component Command Northwood.

Hundreds protest in Kyoto against war, poverty and discrimination

“Collective action in Kyoto against War, Poverty and Discrimination” was the banner for hundreds of Kyoto activists demonstrating today. Women’s groups, anti US bases organisations, communists, anti-nuclear power organisations and organisations defending article 9 of the Japanese constitution were among those represented together with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.”

Irish National Liberation Army renounces violence

The Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), one of the most violent groups that took part in the Northern Ireland conflict, announced in a statement that “the armed struggle is over” and that from now on they will pursue their objectives through “exclusively peaceful political struggle”. The armed group murdered 113 people between 1975 and 2001.

“Night of Candles for Peace” occurs in Colombia

The foundation Journalists for Peace (FUPERPAZ), along with various youth groups, organized the event “Over a Thousand Candles for Peace”, which was developed to commemorate the International Day of Non-Violence. More than 100 people participated in this act, which also initiated the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the city of Ibague, Colombia.

1000 candles for Peace in Hiroshima

1000 candles were lit today spelling out the demand “Nuclear Free Now!” The act was part of an event called NO NUKES 2020 organised by Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation; an organisation established in April 1998 by the City of Hiroshima to promote peace, and to consolidate the city’s activities in peace promotion, globalization, and international cooperation.

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