

Colorful Start to the World March for Peace in Buenos Aires

More than 500 people congregated in the centre of the city to celebrate the beginning of the World March for Peace and Non-violence. An enormous float for peace, community groups and 106 dissemination stands completed the festive atmosphere. Celebrities such as Maximiliano Guerra, Jorge Marrale, Juan Leyrado, Miguel Cantilo and Raúl Porchetto attended the celebration.

Imagine all the people living life in peace… (video news)

“Imagine all the people living life in peace…” John Lennon’s lyrics for “Imagine” ring out in Milan’s Plaza of the Cathedral, during a giant karaoke session in which all of the local citizens concerned about issues of disarmament and peaceful coexistence had wanted to celebrate the beginning of the first historic World March for Peace and Nonviolence (download video).

World March in Kenya

Nearly 1000 people belonging to various ethnic groups involved in conflict of civil war last year, today walked together united in peace and non-violence in Kisumu, a city located on the banks of Lake Victoria. Leading the march walked those who suffer most from violence in the world: Children.

The World March sets off from Wellington

A crowd of supporters for peace from 5 continents assembled on the 2nd of October in Wellington at the foot of the statue of the Father of the Indian Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, donated by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. The multitude came, braving the wind and the cold to support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

Moving towards peace and nonviolence in Israel

The Nonviolence Fair, held as a kickoff event for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, took place in Cinemateque Square in Tel Aviv, Israel. The fair was organized by the group Greenpeace and the Humanist Movement, together with the participation of 20 Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in different areas of nonviolence.

Government of Zambia officially joins the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Among the official ceremonies for Peace Day, and by invitation of the Government of Zambia, the World March for Peace and Nonviolence has been officially announced. During the opening ceremony for the March, the Minister of Information and Communications and the African country’s Representative to the United Nations have publicly joined this inaugural global march.

Organization for the prevention of domestic violence in Mexico gets rolling for peace

The State Council for the Awareness and Prevention of Domestic Violence (CEPAVI) will add events to raise awareness about peace and non-violence to those planned for the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence and the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, to occur in October and November, among other activities for these purposes that the organization will carry out.

Gandhi: India and Universalism

India has a high commitment to internationalism. Mahatma Gandhi had desired India to come forward for the establishment of a worldly order dedicated to peace and prosperity. This gigantic task could be considered to be her responsibility. India must come forward for the establishment of a true and real internationalism, and become ideal for others in the world.

The World Peace Summit condemns the “colossal” military expenditure throughout the world

Pacifists Without Borders (PWB), organizer of the World Peace Summit, and principal international guest speaker and former Director-General of UNESCO Federico Mayor Zaragoza, speak out against the “colossal” annual military spending throughout the world, half of which (1.2 trillion dollars) is attributable to the United States alone.

Iran nuclear talks open in Geneva

Multilateral talks on Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme opened in Geneva on Thursday afternoon. Iranian representatives held discussions with representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – United States, Russia, China, Great Britain and France – along with Germany. This is the first time in three decades that US and Iranian meet.

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