

Sometimes the Good Guys Win

More than sixty percent of Bolivians have decided that Evo Morales should continue to lead Bolivia’s social, political and cultural transformation process. This categorical support of Evo´s government takes place in spite of the act that the great majority of the print and tv media are constantly campaigning with venom against Evo.

“Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World -Peace Boat Hibakusha Project” returns to Yokohama port

On Aug. 27, the SS Oceanic departed Yokohama on its 107 day journey around the world visiting 20 different countries during its global voyage for peace. Among the 500 participants on board are 10 Hibakusha (Atomic Bomb Survivors) from Hiroshima and Nagasaki who have shared testimonies with people around the world. On Dec. 11 the ship returns from the global voyage.

Guillermo Sullings: “the World March is aimed at cultural engagement”

Guillermo Sullings, economist and spokesperson for the Humanist Movement in Argentina, spoke at the II International Conference on the abolition of military bases, held in Buenos Aires. He stated the main proposals of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence, which is passing through Latin America today, and referred to the role of international organisations.

Demand delivered to the Base Team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Different residents from the communities of San Marcos walked with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. The residents made their concerns known to the Base Team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence about acts committed by the transnational company Union Fenosa in the department of San Marcos in Guatemala.

Save over a quarter million Euro by withdrawing Irish troops from Afghanistan

In response to a question by SF Dail Deputy Caoimhghin O Caolain, the Minister for Defence Mr. Willie O’Dea TD admitted that the annual cost to the Irish people to have 7 Irish soldiers taking part in the war and occupation of Afghanistan was €270,000.
Roger Cole, Chair of Peace and Neutrality Alliance, responds to him here.

Welcoming Remarks

Upon arriving in Mexico City from the United States of America, the international team was greeted with a colorful ceremony in which the following words of David Samano were said. After touring several Mexican states, the team continued their tireless travels towards Guatemala, where they are currently on route to Punta de Vacas.

Climate Countdown: Largest Climate Summit in World History Opens in Copenhagen

Over the next two weeks, 100 world leaders are expected to attend the UN conference that has been described by some scientists as the most important the world has ever seen. In the opening of Sunday: the mayor of Copenhagen, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Evo Morales Re-elected for a Second Five-Year Term with Full Majority Support

Having obtained 63% of the votes among the 5.1 million eligible voters in Bolivia and 168,000 voters living outside Boliva, Morales becomes the most popular and most re-elected President. With this mandate, the first Assembly will allow Morales to draft an indigenous Constitution and reform institutions to reflect the will of the people as demonstrated by the election results.

Swiss: discrimination and trade with death

The results of Swiss federal Referendums are, for the humanists of Switzerland, a black Sunday. It is not only a victory for the Swiss Peoples Party that promoted the prohibition of minarets, also fear
and ignorance have won. This is no positive credit, neither for
democracy nor for the Swiss population. Humanists are outraged and surprised.

Zelaya criticizes governments supporting illegitimate elections

Manuel Zelaya criticized the position of various governments, among them the United States, for supporting the efforts to “whitewash” the coup d’etat of June 28. In a letter to presidents of the Americas, to the OAS and to the UN, Zelaya referred to the countries that recognized the election carried out in Honduras under the de facto regime.

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