

May 15th, 12 noon: International Conscientious Objectors’ Day Ceremony, London

This year International Conscientious Objectors’ Day will be celebrated as usual in the UK with a small ceremony at the CO’s Memorial consisting of a lump of volcanic rock in Tavistock Square, London, close to the statue of Gandhi and the Hiroshima blossom tree. It commemorates those who refused to kill, even when they faced their own death for disobeying military orders.

NGO Abolition caucus at the 2010 NPT condemns the nuclear industry for pushing a nuclear energy agenda

Non-governmental organizations at the NPT Abolition Caucus express dismay at the unashamed pushing of a nuclear energy agenda at the NPT conference. They condemn the false advertising of the benefits of nuclear energy by the IAEA and the P5. “985,000 people died of cancer caused by the Chernobyl catastrophe between 1986 and 2004.”

Electronic voting in children’s parliament

With the aim to create a sustainable, national children’s organ, the Finnish Children’s Parliament is having a positive impact on the establishment of local parliamentary activities.
Direct network democracy is enabled through weekly chat meetings with electronic voting and permanent forum in children’s Finnish Parliament.

Defining Success: Why We Need More Than Mere Agreement

The NPT conference continues in New York with expectations high among anti-nuclear organisations that an intention to move towards a Nuclear Weapons Convention – a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons – will be expressed in the final documents. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is closely following what different nations are saying about such a convention.

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence documentary premieres at the UN.

The official World March documentary film is premiered at the United Nations in New York one year after it was officially presented in the same location. The video, produced by Spanish filmmaker Alvaro Orus is a 45 minute compilation of some of the most emotional, touching and inspiring moments of the 93 day globe trotting adventure in the name of Peace and Nonviolence.

Iran is not in need of nuclear bombs for its development and does not regard it as a source of honour and dignity – Ahmadinejad

NPT conference kicks off with acrimonious interchanges between Iran and the USA. Ban Ki-Moon reminded delegates that the last conference failed, “This time we can… and must… do better”. Iran condemned US deterrence policies as the source of proliferation and the US replied that, “Iran’s president offered the same tired, false, and sometimes wild accusations against the US.”

15,000 March through New York calling for nuclear disarmament now

The Mayor of Hiroshima headed a list of dignitaries at the front of a Great March to the United Nations in order to meet with UN Disarmament Chief, Sergio Duarte. The Abolition Torch carried around the world on the World March for Peace and Nonviolence was handed over to the UN as a reminder to conference delegates attending the NPT conference of their important task.

“The time for change is now” – Ban Ki Moon 2 days before the start of the NPT conference

2 days before the NPT conference begins in New York, UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon addresses the anti-nuclear movement in a conference, “For a Nuclear Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World”. He talks of his shared view of a world free of Nuclear weapons and says, “The time for change is now”. A delegation of World without Wars travels to New York in support.

Brazilian front of local governments joins Mayors for Peace during national meeting

The Frente Nacional de Prefeitos (FNP) joined Mayors for Peace during their General Meeting held in Florianopolis, south of Brazil, on April 26 and 27th. In the motion adopted by the FNP the Brazilian Association of Local Governments encourages its members to join individually. During the conference 29 Brazilian Mayors were welcomed as new members.

Colombia Green Party Wins Potential Voters

The leader of the Colombian Green Party, Antanas Mockus, reached a technical tie in popularity rating with his most dangerous rival in the presidential race, and stated his goal is to win in first electoral round. A poll by the National Consultancy Center and CM News revealed that Mockus has climbed considerably in voting intentions.

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