

Europe Urges Israel to Soften Gaza Blockade

Foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) called on Israel to soften its blockade on the Gaza Strip and broaden the list of items allowed into the territory.
The extreme situation in Gaza was the focus of the agenda of the meeting of EU Foreign ministers, who failed to condemn explicitly the violent Israeli attack at a humanitarian aid flotilla bound for Gaza on May 31.

A New Look team of World without Wars and Violence gets down to work

After 6 months of metamorphosis into a democratic international federation the new-look World Coordination Team gets to work on supporting a grassroots social movement that connects the daily issues of violence experienced at home and work with global threats of war and nuclear weapons. “We aspire to do for war and violence what Greenpeace does for environmentalism”.

2010 Global Peace Index – Results and Findings

The results of the Global Peace Index for 2010 suggest that the world has become slightly less peaceful. The Index, which gauges ongoing domestic and international conflict, safety and security in society and militarization in 149 countries, registered overall increases in several indicators, including the likelihood of violent demonstrations and perceptions of criminality.

Israel Rejects International Probe

The Israeli military has announced that it will conduct its own internal investigation into last week’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed nine Turkish passengers dead. Israel has rejected calls for an international tribunal. On Monday, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said there should be an international presence in the inquiry.

A massacre on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla 

What started as joyous preparations to welcome 700 activists on breaking the siege at Gaza’s Harbor the Israeli government maneuvered into a tragic turn of events. Their naval forces’ savagely attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying 700 solidarity activists from 40 countries and materials for an impoverished Gaza Strip.

Israeli Troops Take Over MV Rachel Corrie

Israeli troops took control of the Free Gaza movement MV Rachel Corrie aid ship while its sealing to the Gaza Strip to deliver aid and break the Siege. According to the Israeli army soldiers took control of the ship without any clashes with the 20 people on board the ship. MV Rachel Corrie was rerouted to the Israeli sea port of Ashdod near the Gaza Strip.

Clearly a new horizon is emerging

During the recent visit by Silo to the Park of Study and Reflection: Los Manantiales, located 70 kilometres north of Santiago de Chile, a profound hope was installed deep in the hearts of all those who heard his words from the Meditation Hall. “We believe,” he said, “a new spiritual horizon is being born in the world.”

Creating life… making fire

From the time when the human being was first able to produce fire and could count on this source of energy to cook food, defend the entrances of the caves where they lived, warm themselves and illuminate the night, and then raise the temperature in ovens and kilns that allowed the making of pottery, melting of metals, working with glass… up to the creation of life.

UN Secretary-General sends Nuclear Abolition Day message

This Saturday is Nuclear Abolition Day — a global day of action to abolish nuclear weapons, and the opportunity to respond to the Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference outcome. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today sent a video message of encouragement, which can be seen at [](

Nuclear Abolition Day

On June 5, 2010, thousands of people across the world will take part in coordinated local events to mark Nuclear Abolition Day. The message is simple: it’s time for governments to begin negotiating a Nuclear Weapons Convention to ban all nuclear weapons.
In some countries, protests will take place outside government buildings or at nuclear facilities.

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