

Foundations for the Economy of a New Civilisation

Here we transcribe the whole of Dr Guillermo Sullings’ lecture from the Second International Symposium organised by the World Centre of Humanist Studies in the virtually interconnected Parks of Study and Reflection. Sullings, an Argentinean Economist, presented his work in the Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection, Mendoza, Argentina.

Jewish Guardians of the City

* The Guardians of the City are Orthodox Jews – they wear those distinctive black hats, beards and curling side locks – who (like me) participated in the Tehran conference on Gaza, March, 2009. These Jews want an end to the present Israeli state – the stance of Iran as so widely disseminated in the media. They oppose the Zionists as they are non-believers.*

Art, the artist and inspiration

We are publishing here the complete paper presented by Professor Marina Fernandez to the Second International Symposium organised by the World Centre for Humanist Studies in the different virtually interlinked Parks of Study and Reflection. Marina Fernandez gave her presentation at Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection in the thematic group of Art and Culture.

U.S. Election note: Throwing the bums out

The recent U.S. mid-term elections followed a familiar mechanic; deep discontent driven by real problems like unemployment drove a voter “revolt” against incumbents (mostly Democratic) handing control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans. This type of voter sentiment is often summed up in the phrase “throw the bums out.”

1.3 Million New Yorkers will be Silent on Election Day

On this chilly morning of the day before midterm elections, the supporters of the New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights, a group working to change New York City law to give all documented residents the right to vote in municipal elections, gathered in front of the Board of Elections on Broadway in lower Manhattan.

Brazil: Change Dawned with Resolution 1325

Exclusive Interview with Clara Charf, president of Women for Peace and organizer of the Brazilian selection of 52 women chosen for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. She talks about the advances of Resolution 1325 in Brazil and the “historic” moment that the country is going through with the election of the first female president.


I want to thank the World Center of Humanist Studies for inviting me to discuss “Foundations for the future Planetary Civilization” in this Park of Study and Reflection located at Punta de Vacas. I wish to emphasize how extraordinary it is to be discussing these issues seemingly so distant from political and social activities.

Right-wing attacks to public media

Today Action Alert mentions Sarah Palin’s attacks to public broadcasting and the campaign that is growing in order to tell North American Congress to stand up for NPR and public broadcasting.
Here we reproduce the information about it and call the medias and journalists receiving Pressenza’s articles to give diffusion to this campaign.

War Should Be an Election Issue

Just days away from crucial midterm elections, WikiLeaks, the whistle-blower website, unveiled the largest classified military leak in history.
Almost 400,000 secret Pentagon documents relating to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq were made available on-line.
The documents, in excruciating detail, portray the daily torrent of violence, murder, rape … (read more)

The Absurdity of War

*Creator of Eliminatewarforever weblog, David Elborn is a self-described ‘citizen of planet Earth’, and has travelled extensively to war-torn regions including Afghanistan. He has seen these disasters first-hand and has been highly passionate about the elimination of war for
over 20 years. He frequently speaks publicly about the issue.*

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