

Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo)

Letter to the United Nations and Member Governments October 7, 2013 Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo)         We cordially extend our heartfelt greetings to the officials of the United Nations and the representatives of national government delegations.  We…

Reparations Related to Colonization

PRESS RELEASE    Call for the International Day for Reparations Related to Colonization On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus set foot on the so called “New World”, ushering in a cycle of occupation, violence, genocide and slavery: this was the…

Inter American Development Bank (IADB), Argentina and vulture funds

IADB MEETING IN WASHINGTON Minister Lorenzino from Argentina warned about vulture funds negative impact on the financial system Economy Minister Hernán Lorenzino warned on the negative impact that vulture funds might have on the international financial system, during an encounter…

Single-Payer Prescription for What Ails Obamacare

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan “We apologize for the inconvenience. The Marketplace is currently undergoing regularly scheduled maintenance and will be back up Monday 10/7/3013.” You read it right, 3013. That was the message on the homepage of the…

West Africa: Humanists and Journalists join ranks

On the day celebrating the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, October 2, that has also been decreed as International Day of Non-Violence by the United Nations organisation, three agencies of the Humanist Movement in Mali, being – World Without Wars and…

Bees also affected by pollution. Risks to food production

We reported in Pressenza the importance of considering the effects of burning fossil fuels on health, as the discussions brought on by the evidence presented in the most recent report about climate change, making a very strong case for fossil…

Happy Double Ten Taiwan – let’s go geothermal…

On this day, called the Double Tenth*, and the founding day of modern Taiwan, many Taiwanese are pleading that the government closes in on the nuclear power industry and begins a countdown on nuclear plants, closing for good. The retirement…

US: Parties Trade Blame as Government Shutdown Enters 8th Day

The shutdown of the federal government is continuing for an eighth day as lawmakers remain deadlocked over Republican efforts to use the budget debate to defund or delay the Affordable Care Act. Senate Democrats are moving forward this week with…

Potential breakthrough anti-Malaria vaccine

Published by Science : “We report that the PfSPZ Vaccine—composed of attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved PfSPZ—was safe and well-tolerated when administered four to six times intravenously (IV) to 40 adults…These data indicate that there is a dose-dependent immunological threshold for…

Fukushima et al. Another bad week for nuclear safety

  The same week that Fukushima announces yet another leak of radioactive water… “TOKYO, Oct 1 (Reuters) – The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant said on Tuesday that four tonnes of rainwater contaminated with low levels of radiation…

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