

Why people travel from all over the world for an encounter of Silo’s Message in Punta de Vacas

A remote outpost on the foothills of Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain of the Andes Range near the Argentinean/Chilean border has been for several years, at the beginning of January, the site for an encounter of Silo’s Message, attended by…

UK: Respect the needs of people with disability. Stop the Cull

Press Release from Atos National Demo By Dan Ashman for Occupy News Network Next month people from across the country will gather nationally outside every ATOS centre to peacefully protest the inhumane treatment of people receiving employment support allowance and…

Sweden’s Prostitution Solution: Why Hasn’t Anyone Tried This Before?

By the Women’s Justice Centre In a centuries deep sea of clichés despairing that ‘prostitution will always be with us’, one country’s success stands out as a solitary beacon lighting the way. In just five years Sweden has dramatically reduced…

“Surveillance Breeds Conformity”: Salon’s Glenn Greenwald Interview

by Natasha Lennard – Salon for Transcend Media Service 3 Jan 2014 – Glenn Greenwald tells us what he’d have done different in ’13, why privacy matters and his hope for his new venture. Longtime Salon readers will have known…

Organic Mega Flow Battery Promises Breakthrough for Renewable Energy

Science Daily reports on Jan. 8, 2014 — A team of Harvard scientists and engineers has demonstrated a new type of battery that could fundamentally transform the way electricity is stored on the grid, making power from renewable energy sources such as…

West Bank Silent Strike

Nablus, 2014/01/03 – To strike is a cry of desperation to re-establish ones rights. To strike is to show the society the valuable work the striking workforce performs. For 31 days the strike in all 19 UNRWA refugee camps on…

Malaysia: Apologies and reparations for Batang Kali

PRESS RELEASE Apologies and reparations for Batang Kali Colonialism Reparation supports the request for apologies and compensations of the victim’s families committee for the Batang Kali’s massacre and calls on the United Kingdom to apologize and pay compensation to Malaysia…

Pakistan: top media stories 6 to 10 January 2014

There were four stories this past weekend that captured the mood of the country in the media. First story was about trial of former president and (retired) General Pervez Musharraf in a high treason case under Article 6 for subverting…

Blackouts in Argentina Highlight Failings of Privatisation

By Fabiana Frayssinet for IPS BUENOS AIRES, Jan 10 2014 (IPS) – Record temperatures at the start of the southern hemisphere summer in Argentina have been accompanied by highs on the thermometer of social discontent, as consumption peaks left thousands without electricity and…

When foreign investors sue the state

Global Trends by Martin Khor for  Third World Network The investor-state dispute system, whereby foreign investors can sue the government in an international tribunal, is one of the issues being negotiated in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. ————————————————– In the recent…

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