

Bangladesh: too early marriage a violence against children

The shock of child marriage on the lives of girls and boys can be ruinous. It may start a series of children’s health complications, with child mortality, domestic violence, severe poverty cycles and much more. The Bangladesh practice of child…

Rafael Correa: “This is a humanist model but with the feet firmly on the ground”

By Nelsy Lizarazo for Pressenza Ecuador – President Correa Press Conference. With these words, President Rafael Correa responded to today’s question by Pressenza IPA during the press conference held with members of the foreign press. The question revolved around the…

Syrian Opposition Refuses Direct Talk

The U.N.-brokered Syrian peace talks have hit a new snag today with opposition delegates refusing to meet directly with government counterparts. The two sides were due for their first face-to-face talks in Geneva after an opening round of speeches on…

Canada: Inuit genocide, mining and human rights

One thing environmentalists or historians rarely talk about is that mankind’s road to the destruction of cultures and the world began several thousand years ago and not in the Twentieth Century – with the introduction of agriculture. By Lionel Mok*…

New Delhi unsafe for Burmese refugees

The Indian national capital city of New Delhi, which gives shelter to over 8,000 registered Burmese refugees, half of them women and children, remains unsafe for the asylum seekers. A recent report titled ‘Doke Kha Bon’ from the Burma Centre…

Inequality at Davos

Published on Thursday, 23 January 2014 00:39 by Critical Thinking The World Economic Forum at Davos this week is discussing inequality. NBC News declared: “With the global economy slowly getting back on its feet, 2,500 delegates gathered in Davos, Switzerland…

Massive protests in Berlin against agricultural industry

Berlin, Jan 18, 2014. In a very colorful march about 30.000 people demonstrated with the slogan “We are fed up!” against critical aspects of industrialized agriculture. The topics were as diverse as the participants and the speakers on the podium:…

SPECIAL: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in His Own Words

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! Today is the federal holiday that honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was born January 15th, 1929. He was assassinated April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just…

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chainstores

Freedom is something to use or lose – we must fight the antisocial behaviour bill Consumerism’s petty liberties have made us inhumanly passive. We’ve forgotten what freedom is, and how easily it is lost By George Monbiot for The Guardian…

Thorny Path Toward Syrian Peace Process

Analysis by Gustavo Capdevila  for IPS GENEVA, Jan 18 2014 (IPS) – The future of the complex armed conflict in Syria, which involves religious and ethnic factors as well as pressures from neighbouring countries and the strategic interests of global…

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