

Energies Clash in Tokyo Election

TOKYO, Feb 7 2014 (IPS) – Tokyo, one of the largest and most energy-guzzling cities in the world, is set to hold elections for a new governor Feb. 9. Analysts say it could prove crucial in stopping the Japanese government from…

Amy Goodman Questions Freed Pussy Riot Members on Olympics, Putin & Obama During 1st U.S. Appearance

Two freed members of the Russian group Pussy Riot made their first public appearance in the United States Tuesday after being released from prison in December. Nadia Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina served nearly all of their two-year sentences for protesting…

Mikko Hypponen – Emerging Threats to the Net

“The Snowden leak and recent events have highlighted that cyber espionage and nation sponsored attacks are not fictitious threats. No corporation dares to claim it is exempted from the exposure to targeted attacks and surveillance, “ says F-Secure’s Chief Research…

The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq can’t be ‘countered’ indefinitely

John Pilger’s article for the Guardian reminds us that the disaster in Iraq continues to unfold in spite of the silence of the main TV and newspapers. …”The media cover-up has been a weapon in the crimes of western states since…

China Ready to Work with CELAC

Beijing, Feb 7 (Prensa Latina) China declared today to be ready to work with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to establish, before the end of 2014, the common forum approved at the recent summit of the…

Syria: Evacuation of Civilians from Homs Begins After Ceasefire

In news from Syria, an operation to evacuate trapped civilians from the besieged city of Homs is underway after government forces and rebels agreed to a ceasefire. U.N. spokesperson Farhan Haq said the pause would also allow the delivery of aid.…

Second conference on the humanitarian impact of Nuclear Weapons

The humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons detonations has increasingly been recognized as a fundamental and global concern that must be at the core of all deliberations on nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, as well as a relevant issue in the…

Science News: Amputee feels in real-time with bionic hand

Published by Science Daily, original report Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausann Read the full report “Nine years after an accident caused the loss of his left hand, Dennis Aabo Sørensen from Denmark became the first amputee in the world to feel…

Crises swamping developing economies

By Martin Khor* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis   GENEVA (IDN) – Several developing countries are now being engulfed in new economic crises as their currency and stock markets are experiencing sharp falls, and the end is not yet in sight. The…

LGBT Activists Stage Global Protests

Protests have been held in 20 cities around the world to protest Russia’s crackdown on LGBT rights. The “All Out” protests were part of a series of actions organized around Russia’s hosting of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, which begin on Friday.…

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