

The Neverending ‘Wakeup Call’

By David Cromwell and David Edwards for Media Lens The new report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is clear that the impacts of climate change are likely to be ‘severe, pervasive and irreversible’. Impacts include droughts, floods,…

Europe, Central Asia Face Nutritional Deficits

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) paints a picture of persistent nutrition problems due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and stunted growth in its latest snapshot of the Europe and Central Asia.* On the eve of its biennial…

US Proxy Terror War on Venezuela

By Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND – Protest, dissent and terrorist wars are obviously very distinct forms of expressing opposition and bringing about change. The Obama-Kerry regime claim that the opposition in Venezuela is a “protest movement” a “peaceful democratic opposition” expressing discontent…

UK: Migrant Domestic Workers Face Serious Abuse

Migrant domestic workers accompanying their employers to the United Kingdom [2] are being subjected to serious abuses including forced labor, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The UK government is doing far too little to protect vulnerable…

UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Heads to UK to Investigate Abuse

Domestic and sexual violence, sexual bullying and harassment, forced and early marriages, and female genital mutilation – all these issues and more will be on the docket as the United Nations expert tasked with monitoring violence against women launched her…

Vote in local elections reveals a polarised Turkey

There is no doubt that Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has come out stronger from the local elections on Sunday. Similarly there is no doubt that the Kurdish regions confirm they are going their own way, which is not…

Q&A: “Bolivia Marked the Start of a Major Indigenous Awakening”

[clear] [divide] Marianela Jarroud interviews Álvaro García Linera, vice president of Bolivia for IPS SANTIAGO, Mar 31 2014 (IPS) – He describes himself as someone who was drawn to Marxism as a result of his commiseration with the plight of…

U.N. Panel: Poorest Will Suffer Brunt of Global Warming’s Impact

Democracy Now! The U.N.’s top climate body is warning human-driven climate change has impacted every corner of the globe, with the poorest suffering the worst effects. In its latest report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says greenhouse gases have…

Sri Lanka: Patriotism without justice is pure bluff

Human beings, however poor or however oppressed, seek justice in the same way. Even a tuberculosis patient looks for fresh air. All wisdom traditions have associated justice as having the same character as fresh air. To deny justice is to…

Is Voting Habit-Forming?

By Linda Gorman.- Economists and political scientists have observed that a citizen who votes today is more likely to vote in the future, but determining whether that is the result of unobserved individual attributes, or the effect of voting per…

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