

Italy: path of spiritual inspiration for modern times

  This new initiative consists of a walking trail starting from Grotte Santo Stefano to the recently inaugurated Park of Study and Reflection, Attigliano, and leads pilgrims through the beauties of Italy’s natural scenery in its rolling countryside following a…

The Commons: People power beyond the state

The activist and author David Bollier tells Deutsche Welle why what he calls the Commons will change the way we live our lives and our system of politics. DW: Can you define in a nutshell what you mean by the…

Government surveillance — this is just the beginning

By Christopher Soghoian.- The 2011 Arab Spring captured the attention of the world. It also captured the attention of authoritarian governments in other countries, who were worried that revolution would spread. To respond, they ramped up surveillance of activists, journalists…

Closing media enterprises in northeast India

When the media fraternity of Assam intensifies its activities for electoral coverage relating to India’s national election for 16th Lok Sabha starting on April 7, the sad news broke. The management of Shillong Times Private limited has closed down the…

Is India on a Totalitarian Path? Arundhati Roy on Corporatism, Nationalism and World’s Largest Vote

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! As voting begins in India in the largest elections the world has ever seen, we spend the hour with Indian novelist and essayist Arundhati Roy. Nearly 815 million Indians are eligible to vote, and…

Peace, disarmament, active nonviolence. Interview with Alex Zanotelli Alex Zanotelli is an Italian priest and a Comboni missionary, the founder of several movements that promote peace and justice in solidarity. He is also one of the promoters of the Arena of Peace and Disarmament which will take…

Rwanda 1994-2014: a million of reasons to remember

Twenty years after the Genocide that killed off up to a million of people in few months, is important to remember and to convert the memory in a positive force able to converge the past to the present to seed…

As Planet Warms, Clean Energy Investments Take a Dive

By Samuel Oakford for Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Apr 7 2014 (IPS) – Policy uncertainty and plummeting solar prices led to a 14-percent decrease in investment in renewable energy in 2013, according to a report released Monday. Investment fell…

Loved to Death

By embracing their critics and colonising governments, corporations engineer a world of conformity and consumerism. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 8th April 2014 How do you engineer a bland, depoliticised world, a consensus built around consumption and endless…

Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program to Fuel Anti-Castro Protests

“U.S. Secretly Created ‘Cuban Twitter’ to Stir Unrest.” That is the name of an explosive new article by the Associated Press detailing how the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) created a fake Twitter program to undermine the Cuban government.…

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