

Centenarians Meet at International Longevity Event

Havana, Apr 29 (Prensa Latina) The 12th International Seminar on Active and Satisfactory Longevity is taking place here today, with a swimming exhibition performed by elderly people, and other expressions of physical culture and Cuban traditional dances. Experts from Cuba,…

Turkey and Armenia: Are Erdoğan’s “Condolences” a Turning Point?

By Joshua Kucera for IPS News ISTANBUL, Apr 29 2014 (EurasiaNet) – Turkish-Armenians are welcoming Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s offer of “condolences” for the mass killings of Armenian that began 99 years ago during the Ottoman era. But opinions…

As Unrest Grows, Is Ukraine Paying the Price of U.S.-Russian Ties Stuck in Cold War Era?

The United States and the European Union have imposed new sanctions on Russia that target individuals and companies linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. The moves come as the crisis in eastern Ukraine faces continued chaos. On Monday,…

UK – The Shooting Party

As the food queues lengthen, the government is giving our money to the super-rich. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 29th April 2014 So now you might have to buy your own crutches, but you’ll get your shotgun subsidised…

Obama Leaves Malaysia Empty-Handed

Kuala Lumpur, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) U.S. President Barack Obama, left Malaysia today with no clear sign of having convinced the government to sign the proposed trade association for the Asia-Pacific region known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the main…

Ex-Japanese PM on How Fukushima Meltdown was Worse Than Chernobyl & Why He Now Opposes Nuclear Power

Three years ago today a massive earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami that struck Japan’s northeast coast, resulting in an unprecedented nuclear crisis: a triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. As Japan marks the anniversary with continued uncertainty…

Water is a human right – Interview with Maude Barlow

Starting our collaboration with the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, we are glad to publish an interview with one of their Laureates, world-renowned water activist Maude Barlow.  Maude, your latest book, Blue Future, is the final book of the Blue trilogy.…

Brazil Assumes Leadership in Future of Internet Governance

By Marcia Pinheiro  for IPS News SÃO PAULO , Apr 25 2014 (IPS) – Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff signed into law an Internet bill of rights just before her opening speech at an international conference on Internet reform in the…

Internet For the 1 Percent: New FCC Rules Strike Down Net Neutrality, Opening Fast Lanes for Fees

Federal regulators have unveiled new rules that would effectively abandon net neutrality, the concept of a free and open Internet. The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission would allow Internet providers like Verizon or Comcast to charge media companies like…

Race Matters: Resegregation and the Rollback of Affirmative Action

“I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” So proclaimed Alabama Gov. George Wallace more than a half-century ago. His proudly racist rhetoric was matched by heinous actions: Murders, lynchings and systemic violence, often endorsed or organized by state and…

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