

“Advergames”: new tricks to sell junk food to children

Channel 4 News, UK, reports on the new trend to circumvent legislation brought in to limit the typo of advertising that can be directed to children. “Companies including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola should be stopped from designing apps and online games…

Japan: legitimate self-defence or militarism?

Japan’s prime minister is attempting to revise constitutional pacifism to allow for strengthening of armed forces. Dear all, Below please find the link to an opinion piece, just published on Al Jazeera, that I co-authored with my colleague Celine Nahory in…

How activists plan to win on net neutrality

By Jay Cassano, May 29, 2014 for Waging Nonviolence On May 15, the Federal Communications Commission approved with a 3-2 vote to go ahead with its proposed net neutrality rules. These rules, although claiming to protect the open Internet, would…

Where Will The New Europe Go?

In this column, Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency and publisher of Other News, wonders where Europe is heading after the results of the end of May elections to the European Parliament.…

It’s simple. If we can’t change our economic system, our number’s up

It’s the great taboo of our age – and the inability to discuss the pursuit of perpetual growth will prove humanity’s undoing By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 28th May 2014 Let us imagine that in 3030BC the total…

Will Election Unite Ukraine? Dozens Killed in Airport Battle as President-Elect Vows Russia Talks

At least 30 pro-Russian rebels have reportedly died in fierce fighting at the airport in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The Ukrainian government bombarded the airport with air strikes, then paratroopers, after rebels seized it on Monday. The fighting…

Highland Spring?

Will Scotland please get off its knees and challenge the people who claim to own it. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 20th May 2014 “I’d vote yes to rid Scotland of its feudal landowners” Power’s ability to resist…

Twenty years of studies on the Goddess: an inspiring conference

Photo: Friday, May the 9th, 2014, 6pm, the ‘International House of Women’ in Rome: an exhibition by women artists paying tribute to the Potnia with their work and a celebration to our Ancestresses mark the start of the conference…

Inclusive Capitalism is an oxymoron

This is how Clive Menzies, political economist with a background in business and investment management, founder of the Critical Thinking research project at the Free University and member of the Occupy London Economics Working Group defines the Conference on Inclusive…

Exclusive: Chilean Robin Hood? Artist Known as “Papas Fritas” on Burning $500M Worth of Student Debt

You may know the adventures of Robin Hood and Zorro, outlaws fighting for the poor. Today we meet the newest member of that club, a Chilean activist who goes by the name Papas Fritas. Francisco Tapia, known as Francisco “Papas…

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