

Death bell knelling in Iraq

If the fall of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul is currently just a bitter blow to [Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri] Al-Maliki’s government, tomorrow the entire Iraqi nation will have a taste of that bitterness. The fall of Mosul is…

Fifa World Cup: June 12 protests flood the world’s media

Demonstrations, strikes and violence have reached the global media. Attention is turned towards the protests taking place all around Brazil as the World Cup starts. June 12 started out with Galeão airport partially paralysed by demonstrations. In São Paulo, at…

Iraq in Crisis: Militant Advance Sparks Mass Displacement as “Failed” U.S. Experiment Disintegrates

Iraq is on the brink of disintegration as Sunni militants seize more towns and now set their sights on the capital Baghdad. In the past few days, al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have seized control of Mosul,…

Half a million citizens in Spain now have control over municipal government accounts

By the Municipal Citizens’ Observatories Over half a million people now have access to real participation in their municipality The OCMs: citizen bodies to control local governments After two years of work at the Spanish Citizen Debt Audit Platform (PACD),…

Renaming of Aeroporto La Torre, Comiso

They have all of them reached the airport by now in a swarm of bodyguards. Pietro Grasso, Chairman of the Italian Senate,  a nice stocky typically sicilian man. Orlando, the Minister of Justice, Filippo Spataro, the Mayor of Comiso, bravely…

Obama: Congress “Should Be Ashamed” of Inaction on Gun Control

Speaking at the White House, President Obama urged a national “soul searching” on gun control. He also called congressional inaction a source of “shame.” President Obama: “It’s not the only country that has psychosis, and yet we kill each other…

Why is inequality the big hot issue right now?

TED: Writer Jimmy Guterman takes society’s temperature and digs into the reasons we’re all talking about inequality. Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century is a book of our moment. It may be the most unlikely egghead highbrow bestseller since…

With “friends” like these who needs enemies

Most “friendly fire” incidents do not get reported. Sometimes they come to light, a few here and there but the full extent of the damage caused during war by inaccurate identification or calculation, or care, is generally underplayed, as it…

Altai Charter: Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations

For: World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilizations. For Pressenza: Iván Novotny We, the participants of the First Altai Forum on Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations, united by our common desire to build…

US backing of el-Sissi reminiscent of Mubarak era

With ex-army chief Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi sworn in as Egypt’s president, Washington has promised that it will cooperate with his government. Are US-Egyptian ties returning to the Mubarak-era status quo of military rule? More than three years ago, US President Barack…

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