

Indigenous boy protests on pitch during World Cup opening ceremony

News from Survival International One of the three Brazilian children who released white doves during the World Cup opening ceremony used the occasion to demand recognition of Indian land rights – but his protest was censored by FIFA. Immediately after releasing a…

Virtual Media blackout about the G77 (in fact 133)+China summit

The Group of 77 at the United Nations is a loose coalition of developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations. There were 77 founding members of…

Norway: Leading Way to End Military Use of Schools

Global Campaign to Finalize, Implement Protection Guidelines The Norwegian government’s leadership to promote international standards to protect schools and universities from military use during armed conflict could spare students and teachers the horrors of war, the Global Coalition to Protect…

Four Leading Activists to Receive Awards for Nonviolent Achievement

International Centre for Nonviolent Conflict Medford/Somerville, Massachusetts, June 16, 2014 – In the wake of the Arab Spring and as nonviolent movements in Ukraine, Thailand, Brazil, and around the world capture the global public’s attention, on Wednesday, June 18th, two…

Japan 1941 – countdown to infamy

Japan 1941 – countdown to infamy By Eri Hotta Published by: Alfred A. Knoff, 2013 Review by Tony Henderson What amazed me on reading this book was the lack of co-ordination among all those involved in making the final call…

People Have Never Consumed So Much Fish As They Do Today

People have never consumed so much fish or depended so greatly on the sector for their well-being as they do today, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 9 Jun 2014 reported*. Did you know?  Fish is one of the most-traded…

The Day Politic Change: Past Against Future

A very interesting and profound change is happening in Colombia. A country previously known for its violence, killing, and drug trafficking is now following a new path. Just 20 years ago, someone was killed every eight minutes, and millions migrated…

G77: “Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra” prioritizes struggle to eradicate poverty

Santa Cruz, June 15 (MC) -. The “Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra” from the G77 Summit “Towards a New World Order to Live Well” stated as a priority of its member countries to eradicate poverty as main objective…

US-EU trade deal stalls over corporations suing governments

By Michael Meacher MP (Labour Party) Until recently investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases were rare.   This is the provision that allows companies to take governments to international arbitration panels to seek compensation if they feel their investment has been…

Peace Movements’ Common Vision: The Abolition of Militarism

By Mairead Maguire*, Nobel Peace Laureate, TRANSCEND   Keynote address at Sarajevo Peace Event We are all aware that this is the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo which led to the start of the First World War…

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