

With its Own Satellite, Bolivia Hopes to Put Rural Areas on the Grid

By Gustav Cappaert and Chris Lewis EL PALOMAR, Bolivia, Jun 23 2014 (IPS) – Maria Eugenia Calle, a local official in this Andean agricultural community, recently saw the Internet for the first time. Her hometown of El Palomar will host…

Global Refugee Population at Highest Level Since WWII

New figures show the number of refugees is at its highest level since after World War II. The United Nations says more than 51 million people are displaced worldwide, half of them children. High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres unveiled…

“Baghdad is a Frightened City”: As ISIS Gains Ground, Iraqi Capital Gripped by Fear & Uncertainty

Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise trip to Baghdad today to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Ahead of his arrival, Kerry signaled the Obama administration is prepared to drop support for Maliki, calling for leadership “prepared…

“Journalism in Egypt is a Crime”: Global Outcry After 3 Al Jazeera Reporters Sentenced to 7-10 Years

An Egyptian court has sentenced three Al Jazeera journalists to between seven and 10 years in prison on terrorism charges, including “spreading false news” in support of the Muslim Brotherhood, deemed by the government a “terrorist group.” Peter Greste, Mohamed…

Nuclear Forces Reduced While Modernizations Continue – SIPRI

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) launched its annual nuclear forces data, which assesses the current trends and developments in world nuclear arsenals. The data shows that while the overall number of nuclear weapons in the world continues to decline,…

Summer solstice celebration in Pravikov, Czech Republic

Marking the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, friends from Central Europe and beyond gathered in the Park of Study and Reflection, Pravikov in the Czech Republic, today (21st June 2014) to inaugurate the new stainless steel monolith that marks…

A Plan Only Banksters Will Love: WikiLeaks Reveals Trade Deal Pushing Global Financial Deregulation

The pro-transparency group WikiLeaks has released the secret draft text for the Trade in Services Agreement, TISA, a trade agreement covering 50 countries and more than 68 percent of world trade in service. Until now, the draft has been classified…

Chronicle of a mess foretold: TTIP and TPP seen from Silo’s 1991 letter

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and TTIP (The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, aka US-EU “Free” Trade Agreement) continue hurtling towards their coveted objective: to create the largest “free” trade zone ever seen in the world, in reality the largest…

‘Haven’t we have already done enough damage?’ Ron Paul warns against Iraq invasion

By Russia Today (RT) Former congressman Ron Paul is refusing to curb his condemnation of the current White House’s foreign policy, blasting United States President Barack Obama further in a new op-ed concerning possible US intervention in Iraq. An editorial…

Economic Growth Is Anything But “A Rising Tide Lifting All Boats”

By Roberto Savio* Not a day goes by without news on the growing inequality that is the telling indicator of the kind of economic model in which we have put ourselves, following the neoliberal binge unleashed by the Washington Consensus.…

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