

Halt Violence Against Muslims and Christians in Sri Lanka… Now! — UN

Aiming to stem the tide of violent attacks and recrimination against Sri Lanka’s Muslim and Christian communities, a group of United Nations human rights experts on 2 July 2014 called on the Government to adopt urgent measures to stop the promotion of…

Some Myths about Muslims

By Nivedita Menon*, TRANSCEND Media Service – In the context of massive propaganda campaigns, the subtle use of stereotypes, and the fact that both the Western and the Indian media share certain basic biases, many people end up believing in a…

Telefonica-Movistar: a united fight against exploitation

The tentacles of Spain’s Telefonica Movistar spread far and wide. I refer not only to the interests of their shareholders, such as banks BBVA and La Caixa, or close links with political power, and their “representatives” on the board, but…

Pressenza in Bonn: non-violent revolutions need new media

Today the Global Media Forum organised by Deutsche Welle was inaugurated in the German city of Bonn, and Pressenza participated with a panel in which examples of social mobilisations, unfolding thanks to the creation of consciousness through new media in such…

Pressenza panel session speaks to a full house

Germany’s Development Minister Gerd Müller spoke on the second day, today July 2,  at the Global Media Forum, an annual three-day conference hosted by the Deutsche Welle, this year for the seventh time. Its 40 separate events concern topics related…

Equatorial Guinea: African Union Discusses Creation of African Monetary Fund

Malabo, Jun 27 (Prensa Latina) A project to create an African Monetary Fund is among the proposals being presented by regional leaders attending the 23rd Summit of the African Union (AU), which concludes its sessions in Equatorial Guinea”s capital today.…

After Losing Vote, U.S.-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Jun 28 2014 (IPS) – The United States and the 28-member European Union (EU) have assiduously promoted – and vigourously preached – one of the basic tenets of Western multi-party democracy: majority rules. But at…

Forests Provide Jobs, Energy, Nutritious Foods and Ecosystem Services – Do Not Kill Them!

Across the world, forests provide employment, energy, nutritious foods and a wide range of other goods and ecosystem services with tremendous potential to contribute to sustainable development and a greener economy, according to the United Nations agency report The State…

Plastic Waste Causes $13 Billion in Annual Damage to Marine Ecosystems — UN

Concern is growing over widespread plastic waste that is threatening marine life – with conservative yearly estimates of $13 billion in financial damage to marine ecosystems, according to two reports issued at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations Environment…

UK: Estimated 50,000 march in London against ConDems’s austerity

There were an estimated 50,000 people who made the march today [June 21, 2014], starting from Portland Place, The BBC headquarters, but nothing was known whether the BBC News would deign to report upon the demonstration against the ConDem [Coalition…

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