

Big Media vs. Social Media in the global, non-violent and humanist revolution

This is the synthesis of Pressenza’s workshop at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: Whereas Big Media tends to focus on sensationalism, to promote the interests of business over the needs of individuals, to cover minority acts of violence…

Nomads of the Digital Age

The freedom to communicate and to share has entered a new era. The power promised by this freedom, by the Internet, is immense, so much so that it frightens entrenched institutions. Governments, militaries, corporations, banks: They all stand to lose…

Algerian Food Bank – #DirElkhir

By Elhachemi Sabi, an algerian blogger In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims, do a great deal of worship and charitable activities. In Algeria, a group of enthusiastic young people launched an initiative called ‘Algerian Food Bank’ to help poorer…

Ever Wondered Why the World is a Mess?

By Roberto Savio Addressing this column to the younger generations, Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency and publisher of Other News, offers ten explanations of how the current mess in which the…

Testimony in the mountains

This article is available in: Spanish, English and Portuguese On this past May 4th, we gathered for a celebration in the mountains, celebrating the 45th year that has passed since we began this memorable journey. It was a before and after for…

The real conflict

Four teenagers have died. One of them Palestinian. The other three Israelis. All belonging to the same generation, in the dawn of their lives. We know their faces. Thousands are no longer there, in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Cambodia, Nicaragua,…

09/07/2014 Why Is the Military-Industrial Complex Sometimes Called “The Devil’s Dynamo”?

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery*, TRANSCEND Media Service – Why is the military-industrial complex sometimes called “The Devil’s Dynamo”? The military-industrial complex involves a circular flow of money. The money flows like the electrical current in a dynamo, driving a diabolical…

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Responds to Hillary Clinton: Fair U.S. Trial for Snowden “Not Possible”

In part two of our exclusive interview, Amy Goodman goes inside Ecuador’s Embassy in London to speak with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. Assange has been living in the embassy for more than two years under political asylum. He…

Assam scribes urge clemency for Al-Jazeera journalists

Joining the international chorus for the FreeAJStaff campaign, an active scribes’ body of India has come out with the demand for immediately releasing of all journalists, who have been jailed in Egypt for allegedly taking side with the banned Muslim…

Big media v social media in the global, nonviolent and humanist revolution

Pressenza panel at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: From Information to Participation In 1999, the film Matrix presented a false cyber-world, in which those included take it for “reality”. The image of a computer generated space taking over…

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