

Border Children: ‘They Don’t Speak English, but They Understand Hate’

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas put a prominent, public face on the immigration crisis this week when he was detained by the U.S. Border Patrol in McAllen, Texas. After a number of hours and a national outcry, he was…

Jerusalem, “united city” mirage.

By Dr Meir Margalit, former Elected member of the Jerusalem City Council for the Meretz Party and a founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. This article was written before the escalation of violence in Gaza. Anyone who needed…

EU: A union for big banks

Published by the Corporate Europe Observatory in January 2014 We reproduce here the Conclusions of this exhaustive study into the new EU “Banking Union”. The original can be read here Though the banking union is an ambitious project, it is…

The Political Objective and Strategic Goal of Nonviolent Actions

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- All nonviolent struggles are conducted simultaneously in the political and strategic spheres, and these spheres, which are distinct, interact throughout. I have discussed this at length elsewhere: see ‘The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach’…

Encounters with the Profound: Photographic Exhibition and Books Presentation

London: An Exhibition of Photographs and Words: “…translations of experiences of contact with hidden internal dimensions whose depth cannot be captured by the categories of space-time in which we believe we live. In particular circumstances these experiences become accessible manifesting…

Argentina Deplores Announcement on Vulture Funds

Buenos Aires, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Government deplored today a paid announcement on the vulture funds published by the Clarin and La Nacion newspapers asserting that the country undergoes a technical suspension of payments. Jorge Capitanich, Chief of…

BRICS Build New Architecture for Financial Democracy

By Mario Osava FORTALEZA, Brazil, Jul 16 2014 (IPS) – The BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) launched the New Development Bank (NDB) and Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA) during its sixth summit, institutionalising a new financial architecture…

BRICS Countries Launch Development Bank Alternative to U.S.-Dominated System

A group of five countries have launched their own development bank to challenge the U.S.-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Leaders from the so-called BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — unveiled the New Development…

With Annual $36 Billion, Human Trafficking Ranks as World’s Third Most Profitable Crime

“Not only is human trafficking one of the most grotesque violations of human rights, it is a lucrative crime for perpetrators… With annual profits as high as $36 billion per year, it ranks as the world’s third most profitable crime…

The Return of George Orwell and Big Brother’s War on Palestine, Ukraine and the Truth

By John Pilger*, TRANSCEND Media Service – The other night, I saw George Orwells’s ’1984′ performed on the London stage. Although crying out for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell’s warning about the future was presented as a period piece: remote, unthreatening, almost reassuring.…

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