

The European Commission’s great TTIP betrayal

By Glyn Moody When the European Commission was laying the foundations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP, also known as TAFTA by analogy with NAFTA – it was doubtless hoping that the public would ignore it, just…

Ten things to remember about Syria

I edited the Critical Muslim’s Syria issue, which includes excellent essays by Amal Hanano, Rasha Omran, Itab Azzam, Maysaloon, Malu Halasa, poetry by Golan Hajji, prose from Zakkariya Tamer, and much more. I contributed an essay on Syrian culture revolutionised,…

Zionists robbing Jews of their religion and life

On this day August 2, 2014, when I have to listen to the UN chief blame Hamas – the legitimate political and military organisation of Palestine now labelled terrorists by the West instead of the defence forces of the Palestinian…

European Human Rights Court Issues 1st-Ever Ruling on CIA Torture Program

The European Court of Human Rights has issued the first-ever ruling on the CIA torture and rendition program, confirming the existence of a secret U.S. prison in Poland. Last week, the court found Poland violated the European Convention on Human Rights by…

To the Humanist people – Palestine and Israel, the day after Gaza

By Aaron Elberg, from Jerusalem At some point, the fire will cease. Maybe in a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks, but at some point the uproar of the cannons and the missiles will quiet. Until that time…

A Venerable Jewish Voice for Peace

The Israeli assault on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip has entered its fourth week. This military attack, waged by land, sea and air, has been going on longer than the devastating assault in 2008/2009, which killed more than…

They Know Full Well It Is Dangerous, But They Have Little Other Choice

Despite knowing full well the dangers of mercury, millions of small-scale gold miners across the globe continue to use the metal to separate gold from ore – usually because they have little other choice.* The mercury is mixed into ore…

U.S., EU Unveil Toughest Sanctions on Russia to Date

The Obama administration has imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia over its support for separatist rebels in Ukraine. President Obama said the measures will target Russia’s economy, but rejected claims of a new Cold War. President Obama: “If…

Dozens Killed in Israel’s Worst Bombardment of Gaza So Far

Dozens of Palestinian civilians have been killed in the most intensive 48-hour bombardment of Gaza so far. At least 50 Palestinians have died over the past day, bringing the death toll from Israel’s three-week assault to more than 1,250. U.N.…

Is What We Hear About Migration Really True? Questioning Eight Stereotypes

It is a common belief that migration harms European societies, and that the European Union would be better off with either very few immigrants or none at all, says a report by the Italy-based Migration Policy Centre*. These are the report’s…

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