

Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage?

Analysis by Ellen Brown SONOMA, California, Aug 14 2014 (IPS) – Argentina has now taken the U.S. to The Hague for blocking the country’s 2005 settlement with the bulk of its creditors. The issue underscores the need for an international…

Glenn Greenwald on Iraq: Is U.S. “Humanitarianism” Only Summoned to Control Oil-Rich Areas?

We discuss the situation in Iraq with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. In a recent article for The Intercept, “U.S. ‘Humanitarian’ Bombing of Iraq: A Redundant Presidential Ritual,” Greenwald reviews news headlines related to U.S. military action in Iraq over…

NYC next six months of progressive government

It has been six months since a progressive government took office in New York City and we can be sure that a number of press articles will be evaluating the work of the new administration. Covered, no doubt, will be…

Syrian Refugee Women Tell Stories about Sexual Exploitation in Lebanon

01 August 2014 – The Syrian refugee woman huddled in the latest room she calls home, a peeling, run-down place outside a north Lebanese village. The mother of six doesn’t know how she’ll pay the rent. She’s gotten by over…

Tranquility in Second Day of Truce in Gaza

Ramallah, Aug 12.- In peace and hope woke today the residents of the Gaza Strip in a second day of truce used to find food, water and personal belongings still in rubble. Life returned to normal, witnesses said on Tuesday,…

What Do the World Bank and IMF Have to Do With the Ukraine Conflict?

In this column, Frédéric Mousseau, Policy Directory of the Oakland Institute and co-author of the report ‘Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict’, argues that IMF and World Bank aid packages contingent…

History Repeating Itself? U.S. Bombing Iraq While Jockeying to Oust Leader It Once Favored

As a U.S. bombing campaign in northern Iraq enters its fifth day, Baghdad is in a state of political crisis. Eight years ago, Nouri al-Maliki rose to prime minister with the help of the United States. Now the United States…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine in Hebrew

Translated from the English version by Shani Manor

An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli…

Jews & Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies

New York, 08/11/2014 The social group #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies got together today outside of the United Nations for a silent protest to hold the leaders of the world, the professionals who promised peace and security, accountable for their failures and in the…

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