

UN Climate Summit 2014 — Change Is In The Air!

New York, 27 August 2014 — Climate change is not a far-off problem. It is happening now and is having very real consequences on people’s lives. Climate change is disrupting national economies, costing us dearly today and even more tomorrow.…

“Security Arc” forms amidst Middle East terror

“Many observers are correct in noting that the Middle East is undergoing yet another seismic shift – that the Russian-brokered destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, a US-Iranian rapprochement, the diminished strategic value of Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a…

Desperate struggle against starvation in South Sudan

By Mike Pflanz*, (UNICEF) – As a food crisis threatens millions in conflict-stricken South Sudan, families are eating whatever they can to survive. Without more urgent international help, many will likely die of starvation.* KIECH KUON, South Sudan, 25 August 2014 –…

The Biggest Tax Scam Ever: How Corporate America Parks Profits Overseas, Avoiding Billions in Taxes

As Burger King heads north for Canada’s lower corporate tax rate, we speak to Rolling Stone contributing editor Tim Dickinson about his new article, “The Biggest Tax Scam Ever.” Dickinson reports on how top U.S. companies are avoiding hundreds of…

WHO issues “roadmap” to scale up international response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 28, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The World Health Organization is today issuing a “roadmap” to guide and coordinate the international response to the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa. The aim is to stop…

“Nonviolent spaces”

We, from the “Nonviolent spaces” initiative (orientated towards spreading out Silo’s Message and promoting communities self-generation), are organising an on-line campaign for October the 2nd in order to reach trending topic status that same day in various social networks with…

Conflict about refugee protests in Germany is getting worse

Since two years now, Germany is shaken by refugees who protest against isolation in far-off asylum seekers camps, against the obligation to reside in their camps, for fair and fast procedures for granting the right for asylum, in general for…

Nisteling: The art of deep listening

The word ‘listening’ has many meanings and the context in which it is done will often determine the level of concentration that is required for one to be considered to be listening. Many people work while listening to music playing…

How a “Yes” vote for Scotland’s independence could chalenge the UK’s nuclear weapons program

By Steve Rushton Crossposted from (USA publication) “The entire Scottish independence movement is firmly against nuclear weapons,” Jimmy Watson, a resident at Faslane Peace Camp, tells me. At 32 years old, Faslane is one of the world’s longest-running peace camps…

Putin and Poroshenko Conclude First Face-to-Face Talks

Minsk, Aug 27 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Piotor Poroshenko, concluded their first face-to-face talks at midnight on Wednesday, the press advisor to the Russian head of State, Dimitri Peskov, said. The meeting started in…

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