

Of Blessing and Cursing

Human Wrongs Watch Interview with anthropologist and social scientist Ariel James*, by Baher Kamal Science has advanced so much that we can split the atom, manipulate the genetic code, and produce synthetic cells. However, contemporary science has not fully understood…

Defeat Terrorism: Humanise the Earth on O2

There will always be people with extreme ideas. But for those extreme ideas to prosper, grow, and become wars, kidnappings, beheadings and torture they have to fall on fertile ground. That fertile ground is provided by the system in which…

World Hunger Falls, But Number of Undernourished Remains ‘Unacceptably High’ – UN

  Human Wrongs Watch More than 800 million people – or one in every nine on the planet – suffer from hunger, but a new joint UN agency report released on 16 September 2014stated that the Millennium Development Goal of halving…

The Long Shadows of History

[media-credit name=”Johan Galtung ” align=”alignleft” width=”100″][/media-credit] Human Wrongs WatchBy Johan Galtung*, 115 September 2014 – TRANSCEND Media Service – As Carl Gustav Jung said, and the Chinese before him–the shadows are long and dark. Jumping does not help, they follow us. Thus, the…

‘Say No to War and Media Propaganda’, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate

  Human Wrongs Watch By Mairead Corrigan Maguire*, Nobel Peace Laureate, September 2014, TRANSCEND Media Service – While US/UK/NATO are pushing for war with Russia, it behoves people and their governments around the world to take a clear stand for peace and against violence…

Economic Growth Possible Even While Tackling Climate Change — Report

Human Wrongs Watch Just one week before a major climate summit opens at the United Nations, a new report released on 16 September 2014 by a commission of global leaders argues that major structural and technological changes in the world…

Scotland – is that what you really want?

Like they say, be careful what you wish for as you might get it. Assuming the main purport of this move towards independence is not because Scotland sees itself as an oil-rich territory that need not share this benediction with…

Grassroots campaigning turns Scottish independence vote into a cliffhanger

Every day, a stream of volunteers approaches the unofficial Yes Scotland office in Edinburgh. None of these people are political activists; they are members of the public who’ve stopped at the office to do their part for Yes Scotland, the…

Do you have the courage to ban nuclear weapons?

From the 6-7 December 2014, ICAN will host a Civil Society Forum in Vienna on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. Despite the compelling call of the humanitarian initiative, nuclear weapons states continue to cling to their inhumane weapons. Governments…

TED lecture. Andrew Connolly: What’s the next window into our universe?

See the Video here Transcript So in 1781, an English composer, technologist and astronomer called William Herschel noticed an object on the sky that didn’t quite move the way the rest of the stars did. And Herschel’s recognition that something…

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