

#Nonviolenceday at the Park of Study and Reflection La Belle Idée

Friends from different countries of Europe met at the Park of Study and Reflection La Belle Idée, near Paris, last week end. We wanted to express our support for the Campaign Oct 2nd, Nonviolence Day, to celebrate together another world…

Margarita Laso joins World Day for Nonviolence

Q: Margarita, what are you currently preparing for your artistic activity? M: On October 17, we will have a concert at the Teatro Sucre. It will be a passionate repertoire, where the main issue is absence, parting, and death. It’s…

99% of Deaths Attributable to Climate-related Changes Occur in Developing Countries — Children Make Up 80% of those Deaths

  Human Wrongs Watch As evidence of the increase in greenhouse gasses mounts, children – the most vulnerable and largest population affected by climate change – continue to be ignored in high level climate negotiations. In response, top climate change…

2014 Awards honour courageous and effective work for human rights, freedom of the press, civil liberties and combatting climate change

PRESS RELEASE, Stockholm 24 September 2014 The 2014 Right Livelihood Honorary Award goes to EDWARD SNOWDEN (USA) “for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights”. and to ALAN RUSBRIDGER (UK) “for building…

Coal: Darkness in the Lignite Era

Human Wrongs Watch By Rex Weyler* – 24 September, 2014, Greenpeace – Coal, known as “King coal” or “black gold” for its historic economic influence, is also known as the “dirtiest fuel,” the most carbon-intensive and toxic hydrocarbon. The industry has promoted “clean coal,” but…

China – the Soong Dynasty

The Soong Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave is an eye opener indeed. How bad can a leader, or supposed leader, of a country be? Marcos was bad enough I came to understand on reading about his ‘dynasty’ by the same excellent…

BP or not BP oil spill at the British Museum

By BP or nor BP On Sunday [22/9/14], seventy of us recreated BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill inside the British Museum: Gross Negligence from rikki on Vimeo. This is the eighth time we’ve performed inside the Museum to challenge their sponsorship…

Interview to Georgina Hassan, Argentinean singer and songwriter who has joined the campaign for October 2 #diadelanoviolencia #nonviolenceday

Buenos Aires, September 8, 2014 1. Georgina, we know you’re working on a new album / book called Calculus. Can you tell us a little about how did this third album of your career came about? Tornasol began brewing when…

Tackling the Climate Catastrophe Strategically

If you like to ask or beg your oppressor to go easy on you, then you do not need to read this article. And if you like to do what makes you feel good at the time, irrespective of its…

As The Voices of Indigenous Peoples “Must Be Effectively Heard”, There Will Be a World Conference On Them!

Human Wrongs Watch The voices of indigenous peoples must be effectively heard and they must be consulted on issues that affect them, including rights to land and resources, the United Nations Human Rights Council heard on 17 September 2014.    …

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