

2014 Nobel Peace Prize Announcement Live Public Viewing

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution renounces war and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. Further, it prohibits the maintenance of armed forces and other war potential. Article 9 is an international oath…

Occupy London opens discussions at Occupy Democracy

By Occupy London The Democracy Working Group of Occupy London is planning open meetings at Parliament Square, opposite the Parliament Building: “The governement’s imposition of austerity has no democratic mandate. Nobody voted for: NHS Privatisation Tripling of tuition fees Bedroom…

Cuba Denounces U.S. Manipulation of Terrorism

United Nations, Oct 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba denunced today before the United Nations that the United States manipulated the issue of terrorism for political purposes by including the Island in its unilateral list of countries that sponsor terrorism. On April…

Hong Kong Students Set Date for Talks with Government over Pro-Democracy Demands

In Hong Kong, student protesters have agreed to begin talks with government officials on Friday after more than a week of pro-democracy demonstrations. Tens of thousands have flooded the streets in opposition to China’s plan to select candidates for Hong…

Instead of bombing IS (Part A & B)

This two-part article offers a pro-peace perspective on the present war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria.   First some principles to stimulate another discourse, another way of thinking that is not militarist – and then some concrete proposals –…

‘Indigenous Knowledge Essential to Halting Biodiversity Loss’

  Human Wrongs Watch The knowledge and traditional practices of indigenous people and local communities are key to halting biodiversity loss and achieving sustainable development, a United Nations official on 7 October 2014 stressed at a major meeting on biological diversity…

“Voices from the Slums” to Tell the Hardships of the Urban Poor

  Human Wrongs Watch Urgent action is needed to refocus urban planning and to provide safe, affordable housing that is appropriate and adequate for our citizens’ growing needs, senior United Nations officials on 6 October 2014 said marking World Habitat Day,…

First “Academy on the Green Economy” Kicks off in Turin, Italy

  Human Wrongs Watch Turin, Italy, 6 October 2014 , (ILO)* – More than 120 participants from over 20 countries gather at the ILO International Training Centre for a two-day policy forum and knowledge fair on the green economy. The event…

Benefits of Investing in Protection of Biodiversity Outweigh Financial Costs — Report

  Human Wrongs Watch Implementing measures that promote the sustainable use of biodiversity is a worthwhile investment that will bring multiple economic and environmental benefits to countries, according to a United Nations-backed report released on 7 October 2014. The report, released…

Planet Racing Towards Catastrophe and Politics Just Looking On

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, October 2014 — If ever there was a need to prove that we are faced with a total lack of global governance, the U.N. Climate Summit, extraordinarily called by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon…

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