

Syria — New UN Plan to ‘Freeze’ Conflict, Stop ‘Carnage’

  Human Wrongs Watch The war in Syria must be “frozen locally” on the ground so that the growing threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) may be fully confronted, a United Nations envoy on…

Christianity vs Islam Countercyclicity

  Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung*, 3 Nov 2014, Kuala Lumpur – Transcend Media Service – “Countercyclicity” means that both move through history in cycles, up and down; with one moving up when the other moves down. Christianity started with its…

‘Climate Change Threatens Irreversible and Dangerous Impacts’

  Human Wrongs Watch Copenhagen, 2 November 2014 — Human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, with impacts observed on all continents. If left unchecked, climate change will increase the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts…

Elections Tunisia: micro-credit fieldworker viewpoint

On the occasion of the elections in Tunisia and the recently issued results, we interviewed Bodo Lieberam, CEO of MicroCred Tunisie, a professional in the field of worldwide microfinance and living in the Country for a few years. The secular…

85 Individuals Have the Same Wealth as Half the People on Our Planet– Even It Up!

Human Wrongs Watch By OXFAM*, 30 October 2014* – 85 individuals have the same wealth as half the people on our planet. Such extreme economic inequality is standing in the way of ending global poverty, and widening other inequalities like the gap…

Over 620 Million Africans (Two Thirds of Population) Live Without Electricity, and 730 Million Rely on Dangerous Forms of Cooking

  Human Wrongs Watch London, October 2014 (IEA)* — Increasing access to modern forms of energy is crucial to unlocking faster economic and social development in sub‑Saharan Africa, according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Africa Energy Outlook, a Special Report in the…

Biodiversity, the Hidden Jewel that Is Being Depleted at an “Alarming Rate”

  Human Wrongs Watch Biodiversity for food and agriculture is among the earth’s most important resources, says the UN Food and agriculture Organization (FAO)*. It is indispensable: be it the insects that pollinate plants, the microscopic bacteria used for making cheese, the…

Five Billion People -Over Two Thirds of World Population– Will Be Living in Cities by 2030

Human Wrongs Watch More than two-thirds of the world population – an estimated 5 billion people – will be living in cities by 2030, placing increasing amounts of pressure on housing, services, resources and the environment, according to estimates by…

Countries Pledge to Develop and Implement Youth Policies — Will They… Really?

  Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations-backed Global Forum on Youth Policies, which brought together over 700 participants from over 165 countries, concluded on 30 October 2014 in Azerbaijan with the launch of an outcome document pledging to support countries that…

Global Media Campaign to End Female Genital Mutilation

  Human Wrongs Watch The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) must come to a quick end and the global media can play a critical role in making that happen, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 30 October 2014 affirmed during his…

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