

Growth: the destructive god that can never be appeased

The blind pursuit of economic expansion stokes a cycle of financial crisis, and is wrecking our world. Time for an alternative By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 18 November 2014 Another crash is coming. We all know it, now…

Americans are a dead people that history is about to run over

I recently had the chance to interview Paul Craig Roberts. I remember briefly, for the uninitiated, that Dr. Roberts was a senior official of the US government, economic advisor to the President during the first term of Ronald Reagan. It…

Every Dollar Invested in Water, Sanitation Brings Four-Fold Return in Costs – UN

Human Wrongs Watch For every dollar invested in water and sanitation, there is a $4.3 return in the form of reduced health care costs for individuals and society around the world, where 2.5 billion people still lack access to basic…

On World Toilet Day — 1 in 3 Women Worldwide Does Not Have Access to Safe Toilets

Human Wrongs Watch With one out of three women worldwide lacking access to safe toilets, it is a moral imperative to end open defecation to ensure women and girls are not at risk of assault and rape simply because they…

Land, safaris and the Maasai people. Do they know they are human?

As Band-Aid re-records their song Do they know it’s Christmas which helped Africans during a food crisis 30 years ago, this time to help fight Ebola, Tanzania is planning an expansion of a big-game hunting reserve for foreigners which will…

Right Livelihood Award 2014, Ceremony and programme

At the end of next week, the Recipients of the 2014 Right Livelihood Award will come to Stockholm for the award programme and to accept their awards in the Swedish Parliament on December 1st. The 2014 Laureates coming to Stockholm are: Alan Rusbridger,…

On International Day, ‘Tolerance for All Regardless of Nationality, Religion, Race, Sexuality…’

Human Wrongs Watch Making International Day of Tolerance, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 16 November 2014 urged world leaders to protect people from persecution and to encourage tolerance for all regardless of nationality, religion, language, race, sexuality or any…

Brisbane: A show of Western weakness

No matter what you may think of Putin and Russia this is simply not the way international politics should be conducted, particularly not at the personal level. If it wasn’t an offence to children, one would aptly characterise it as…

Occupy Hong Kong – sunset or really sunrise?

As expected, this week sees the start of the clearance of Hong Kong Occupy sites. It began with Admiralty, where the main road has been blocked by protesters for fifty-five days. The bailiffs, with court injunctions and backed by a…

Iran: opportunities that may not come by again

There is less than one week till the new round of nuclear talks resume between Iran and P5+1 in which a comprehensive and mutually agreed upon agreement probably will be reached. Different predictions, sometimes being contradicted, have so far been…

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