

Uncomplicated, in Afghanistan

By Kathy Kelly On November 7, 2014, while visiting Kabul, the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg noted that  NATO will soon launch a new chapter, a new non-combat mission in Afghanistan. But it’s difficult to spot the new method…

Swedish Court Rejects Assange Appeal, but Prods Prosecutor to Resolve Standoff

A Swedish court has rejected an appeal of the arrest warrant that’s kept WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange confined in Ecuador’s London Embassy for over two years. Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning on allegations of sexual misconduct, though no…

…the vastness of it: Inmensidad – by Andres Koryzma

I noticed a simple announcement on the Facebook page of friend Andres Koryzma, “Inmensidad by Andres Koryzma, for free on Grooveshark. So I got in touch to find out more. “I want to share with my friends a little bit…

Mourning John F. Kennedy and a half-century of degraded arts and culture

Fifty-one years after the event, circumstances had conspired so, I found myself in the political capital of the Global Empire, walking beside an infantry of weeping willows, and,—across Rock Creek Parkway and a sliver of greensward—the meandering Potomac. Between the…

Speaking with forked tongues can win you an election

What better allegory than the Native Americans’ to describe Orwell’s “double speak” or the semantic violence of those who steal the discourse of the opposite view to increase their appeal amongst those who normally would not agree with or vote…

No More Weapons-Grade Uranium for Medical Use as Canada ships first synchrotron isotopes

Gordon Edwards placed a clarifying forward online regarding the article, “No More Weapons-Grade Uranium for Medical Use?: Canada ships first synchrotron isotopes”. We reproduce same here for readers technical reference. 1. The old messy way of getting medical isotopes using…

A few words about the “F” word

“ Fascism” is a particular political response to a perceived national crisis. To fascist practitioners, the root cause of the crisis is identified as contamination of a pure, virtuous national polity by alien elements, maybe ethnic, maybe religious, maybe cultural,…

Campaign Kit on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

IPPNW has produced a new Campaign Kit on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, presenting the essential facts about their medical, environmental, and humanitarian effects in clear, simple, and accurate language.  “This important new tool will help ICAN campaigners and other abolition activists make a…

President Obama and the Immigration Move

New York 11/20/2014 – For immigrant activists who have been working for immigration reform for more than 10 years, what President Obama did today is what we wanted him to do when he was elected back in 2008. Instead the…

Leaked documents on TTIP and Banking regulations

We have already heard a lot about the TTIP toxic effects for the economy, lowering of standards for regulations about the environment, health and safety as well as the looming privatisation of public services, in particular Health Services, with governments…

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