

The European Citizens Initiative to stop the TTIP

Pressenza reported already the problems for ordinary people that are being created by the TTIP (and the TPP). The European Citizens Initiative has been conducting a campaign to find alternatives and a better deal for people, in a way similar…

#OccupyDemocracy to re-occupy Parliament Square 20-21 December; invites pro-democracy supporters to get involved

By Occupy London Following an eventful weekend, #occupydemocracy ended the occupation of Parliament Square peacefully, announcing an intention to return to Parliament Square over the weekend of 20-21 December. At an open assembly on Sunday evening outside the Houses of Parliament, supporters…

‘US should respond to public demands for greater police accountability – United Nations

Human Wrongs Watch 4 December 2014 – In the wake of a grand jury decision in New York yesterday not to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, an unarmed man, in July, United Nations Secretary…

Global Wage Growth Stagnates, Lags Behind Pre-Crisis Rates

Human Wrongs Watch Geneva, 5 December 2014 (ILO)* — The latest ILO Global Wage Report warns of stalled wages in many countries and points to the labour market as a driver of inequality.  Wage growth around the world slowed in…

The Suicide of Europe

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 5 December 2014 – The fact that in a referendum Switzerland has taken a path that goes in the opposite direction from that of Europe is an unusual fact which calls for reflection,…

NYC March to Shut the Whole System Down

In New York, thousands of demonstrators shut down traffic around the city and part of the West Side Highway was effectively closed off as protesters streamed between vehicles, chanting “The whole damn system is guilty as hell.” The march and…

President Obama’s Immigrant Initiative: A Questionable Proposition

By Arturo Ignacio Sánchez President Obama’s executive action on immigration has been uncritically embraced and lauded by immigrant activists, so-called political progressives, and corporate interests. At first glance, this is totally understandable. From an immediate humanitarian perspective the initiative will…

Gorbachev: It’s up to Europe to prevent new Cold War between US and Russia

Human Wrongs Watch RT*, December 2014 — With the US still intoxicated by its Cold War “triumph” and pushing everyone to take an anti-Russian position, Europe must become the locomotive of shaping the new world order, former Soviet President Mikhail…

One in Three Women Worldwide Is a Victim of Violence — Refuse Abuse

Human Wrongs Watch More than half-way through an international campaign to end violence against women, a top United Nations expert on the issue is calling for a binding international legal standard that holds Member States accountable in fighting this widespread…

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