

Austria pledges to work for a ban on nuclear weapons

Humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons must initiate treaty process in 2015 After 44 states called for a prohibition on nuclear weapons at a conference in Vienna on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons, Austria delivered the “Austrian pledge” in which…

ICAN calls for nuclear weapon ban following in the footsteps of biological and chemical weapons

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) statement to the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons 9 December 2014, Vienna I am speaking on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a coalition of over…

“The myth of the good war”: an essay worth reading

It is not often that one finds in a newspaper, unassuming amongst other articles and comments, a thorough analysis of the futility of war, the propaganda that tries to give it some sense and the devastating consequences of armed struggle.…

The Plebiscite

Human Wrongs Watch By Uri Avnery*, 6 December 2014  ISRAELIS ARE fed up with Binyamin Netanyahu. They are fed up with the government. They are fed up with all political parties. They are fed up with themselves. They are fed up.…

Understanding violence through children’s lives

“Children are not the people of tomorrow, but people today. They are entitled to be taken seriously. They have a right to be treated by adults with tenderness and respect as equals. They should be allowed to grow into whoever…

Change the Iran policy now

The First Conference on ”World Against Violence and Extremism” is inaugurated here in Tehran this morning by President Rouhani. His idea was endorsed unanimously by the UN General Assembly last year. This PressInfo was written before I came to Iran.…

Assange: The Future of the Web is in Latin America

A new landscape for the Latin America on-line infrastructure was proposed by Julian Assange, hacker, activist, journalist and founder of Wikileaks . During the First National Meeting of Internet Governance, held at the International Centre for Advanced Studies for Latin America…

Award Acceptance Speech by Edward Snowden

December 1st 2014 Due to the problematic transmission, few words/ half sentences are inaudible.  Thank you so much. You know I am far below qualified for this kind of honours. It is an extraordinary privilege to be counted among so…

Nuclear weapon conference opens in Vienna with 157 countries

This morning in the Hofburg Palace, Vienna, in the presence of delegations from 157 countries and dozens of civil society organisations many of whom are partners of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, the inter-governmental conference opened with statements…

The Chinese baby and the British bath water

A prominent figure on the Hong Kong political scene and someone who should know better, a lot better, Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee – legislator and chair of the New People’s Party – has written an editorial for the South China…

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