

Hong Kong protest against lack of electoral reform

Protesters carrying yellow umbrellas marched from Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay to the Legislative Council building in Admiralty near the Central business district yesterday June 14 in opposition to Beijing’s handling of and the local government’s submission to the electoral reform…

Backlash Against TPP Grows as Leaked Text Reveals Increased Corporate Control of Public Health

As the Obama administration praises the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), backlash continues to grow against the deal. WikiLeaks has just published another section of the secret text — this one about public healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry. Newly…

Exponential Growth

Human Wrongs Watch By John Scales Avery* 15 June 2015 – Exponential growth of any quantity with time has some remarkable characteristics, which we ought to try to understand better, since this understanding will help us to predict the future.…

USA’s money printing press is pulling the world apart

America’s money printing press is pulling the world apart. This was exactly what happened in the Soviet Union’s dissolution and the hostile division in the various blocks of the old Soviet Union, presently being centered around Ukraine. America was able…

Happy Birthday Magna Carta

Monday, June 15, 2015, is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. In his book, Magna Carta, J.C. Holt, professor of medieval history, University of Cambridge, notes that three of the chapters of this ancient document still stand on the English…

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’ is a celebration of Wangkatja country, a testament to the strength of the community who have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years, and a chance to come together to continue…

400 Million People Do Not Have Access to Health Services

Human Wrongs Watch Some 400 million people do not have access to health services and 6 per cent of people in low- and middle-income countries are tipped into or pushed further into extreme poverty because of the high cost of…

The 2015 Economic Para-State jamboree: the 63rd Bilderberg meeting

11-14 June 2015 in Telfs-Buchen, Austria. An innocent enough list of topics (from the official website) The key topics for discussion this year include: Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Chemical Weapons Threats Current Economic Issues European Strategy Globalisation Greece Iran Middle East…

A leopard (or HSBC, or Monsanto) doesn’t change its spots

Changing the name of an unpopular brand is nothing new. Windscale, a UK nuclear power station, was the scene of a major fire in 1957 spreading radioactivity across the surrounding countryside in what is generally thought to have been the…

Stop using China as an excuse for inaction on climate change

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Invoking Yellow Peril tropes over China’s carbon footprint fails to recognise the fact its energy use is tied to our consumption, the country’s coal demand is dropping and Chinese people care more about climate…

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