

UN stop privatising-profiting from prisons, checkout UK’s G4S in Israel

G4S profits from Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine. So why is the UN giving them $22 million? Dear readers, Waging violence is bad enough. Profiting from it? That’s even worse. But that’s what G4S, a British “defense” conglomerate, does everyday.…

Indonesia stripping Papua rain forest

Dear friends of the rainforests, Time is running out for Papua’s nature. Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo intends to sacrifice 1.2 million hectares of forest and smallholder land in Papua for industrial rice plantations. This would spell the end for a…

Global Climate March in NYC

The march was initiated by People’s Climate Movement NY, a coalition organization of climate, environmental, labor, faith and social and racial justice organizations in NYC and in coordination with other actions around the world initiated by In NYC more…

Rallies around the world, human chain in Paris against Climate Change

Paris, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) While thousands of people demonstrated over this weekend in the world demanding effective actions against climate change, people joined their arms to form a human chain of about three kilometers in this capital city. A…

‘Don’t Bomb Syria’: Protests across the UK as Syria vote looms

by Common Dreams staff Thousands of people protested in London and around Britain Saturday against Britain joining in bombing attacks on ISIS in Syria. The UK Parliament will vote next week on whether to join with the US and France…

Revolution of the Eye: Modern Art and the Birth of American Television

by Stuart A. Goldman The NSU Museum Ft. Lauderdale, claims to be the first exhibition exploring avant-garde art influence on the look and content of early network television. Actually, part of the exhibit was on display earlier this year at…

Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people

This is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people as declared by the United Nations general assembly! But locally people see so little solidarity and Israel continues to violate basic human rights with impunity. By Mazin Qumsiyeh For the past week,…

COP21 – war and peace

Par Ben Cramer. An argu­ment can be made that COP21 must address the sub­ject of war and peace as an eco­log­i­cal issue. Because secrecy veils the true num­bers, it is dif­fi­cult to accu­rately deter­mine the amount of atmos­pheric pol­lu­tion caused by…

Defeating Terrorism – Theirs and Ours

Defeating Terrorism – Theirs and Ours By NicolasDavies – From: “…at the very moment the number one nation has perfected the science of killing, it has become an impractical instrument of political domination.” – Richard Barnet, Roots of…

Turkmens: an ethnic group at the center of the Syrian conflict

As tensions rise between Ankara and Moscow, attention has shifted to an obscure ethnic group in the Middle East: the Turkmens of Syria. But who are the Turkmens and how do they fit into the ongoing war in the region?…

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