

South Africa and Aids-HIV: public health sector rolling out free ARVS

South Africa- 1 December is World Aids day. As a result of such days emphasising the problem and the ensuing campaigns that are related to the issue South Africa has come a long way regarding this struggle and the fight against…

I don’t like logical contradictions; I chose nonviolence

I don’t like logical contradictions. I chose nonviolence – An interview with David Swanson By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V.  – An interview with David Swanson about the importance of deciding to become a pacifist, because war is a logical contradiction,…

Insults instead of a clear strategy. Prime Minister Cameron v Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Not having managed to make a clear case for bombing Syria the UK Prime Minister resorts to insulting the leader of the opposition and others proposing a different strategy to defeat Isil by calling them “terrorist sympathisers” ahead of tomorrow’s…

The Climate-Nuclear Nexus

Taking advantage of the COPS Climate change conference in Paris, the World Future Council published an important new resource “The Climate-Nuclear Nexus” (PDF format). Jurgen Sheffran, is the report’s lead author along with John Burroughs, Anna Leidreiter, Rob Van Riet…

COP21: handing the mike over to CO2 skeptics

It is always of benefit universally when people meet face-to-face, whether individual problems or international problems can better be resolved. Thus, COP21 is worth holding as an event but why are nation’s top people there, the presidents etc? Why not…

Asia Sentinel: Asia news, here on Malaysia, and other issues

Asia Sentinel was created to provide a platform for news, analysis and opinion on national and regional issues in Asia. It is independent of all governments and major media enterprises. It is open to contributions not only from journalists but from…

The West will lose to ISIS – too

French president Hollande has declared war – war on terror, George W. Bush style. Like September 11, 2001 wasn’t a war, Paris November 13 wasn’t a war. It was a criminal act.  The war on terror has been an exceptionally…

UN Secretary-General’s speech to COP21 Leaders Summit

Paris, 30 November 2015 Your Excellency Mr. François Hollande, President of France, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency Mr. Laurent Fabius, President of COP21, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, You are here today to write the script for a…

Tony De Brum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands: a brave struggle for nuclear disarmament

Together with your people, you have received the Right Livelihood Honorary Award for your courage and commitment to nuclear disarmament. When you were nine years old, you witnessed the ‘Bravo shot’ at Bikini Atoll, the largest-ever US nuclear test that…

Mountains no barrier for Edinburgh volunteers’ direct aid to Syria

Among many volunteer groups that are ‘doing their bit’ for the Middle East Pressenza came across this Facebook entry of Roey Convery sharing news from her pal Margaret Tookey’s travels into Syria. The tale tells a lot in a few…

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