

International appeal against India-Japan Nuclear Agreement

Please SIGN and circulate widely, friends!   845 signatures crossed. International Appeal Against India-Japan Nuclear Agreement Dear Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, We strongly protest the proposed India-Japan nuclear agreement, which is reportedly going to be signed during…

‘Fukushima fingerprint’: Highest-yet radiation levels found off US coast

The changing values underscore the need to more closely monitor contamination levels across the Pacific.’ by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Radiation from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan has been detected at an increased number of…

WHO calls in Paris for a Climate Agreement that benefits Health

Paris, Dec 5 (Prensa Latina) The World Health Organization (WHO) called on the UN conference on climate for achieving a new binding climate agreement that takes into account among its purposes, the benefits to global public health. Representatives and experts…

Confessions of a terrorist sympathiser

I confess that I am a terrorist sympathiser. Of course, it is a profanity, a kind of blasphemy, to admit to such a thing, perhaps the greatest blasphemy in our society at the present time. Some may also consider that…

War with Russia or with ISIS: What ever happened to peace?

War with Russia or with ISIS: What ever happened to peace? By David Swanson According to the Nation magazine and many others, there are two options available to the U.S. government. One is increased hostility perhaps leading to nuclear…

UK approves bombing of Syria: ‘Loss of innocent lives is sadly almost inevitable’

Ahead of vote, Prime Minister David Cameron described Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘terrorist sympathizer’ for opposing bombing campaign by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Update (6:40 PM EDT): Following day-long debate, MP’s approve aistrikes for Syria Despite…

Syria: No fly zone means for everybody

Protect the Syrians from all sides and they will create conditions where ISIS  will simply fall apart, stop bombing populations and provide all-around security and the local people will seek their own way to peace and any offer by such…

Vaccines: the inside story

Dear Parents You Are Being Lied To: You Won’t Hear This From The Mainstream Media “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians…

Australia’s nuclear weapons stance stuck in the past

  Australia has positioned itself as the de facto leader of a loose grouping of US-allied nations working to prevent the start of negotiations on a global treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. At this year’s session of the UN General Assembly’s First…

Jeremy Corbyn is not Marty McFly (but the Ayes have it)

The UK Parliament debates bombing Syria. The debate in the House of Commons is raging as we speak. Up to 20 % of Tory MPs may rebel against UK Prime Minister Cameron and vote against bombing Syria, whilst Labour has…

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