

Israel receives fifth German nuclear-capable submarine

The Israeli regime has received of a fifth submarine from Germany, amid pressure on Berlin to halt the delivery of the state-of-the-art weaponry that is capable of being armed with nuclear warheads.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday welcomed the delivery of…

Podcast: The new movement to ban nuclear weapons

Fifteen thousand, eight hundred nuclear weapons spread across 14 nations. One thousand, eight hundred ready to be launched within minutes of a warning. This is not the cold war, but the present reality – the daily existential threat with which…

UN announces that Peru will compensate woman in historic human rights abortion case

Nearly a decade after the UN Human Rights Committee agreed that a Peruvian woman’s rights were violated for having been denied an abortion – and recommended that the Government compensate her – the UN human rights office announced today that…

New extreme in inequality crisis as 62 people own as much as poorest half

Oxfam report finds that global one percent of wealth holders now own more than the rest of the world combined. By Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams It’s official. The global one percent of wealth holders now own more…

Air pollution killing millions, threatening global health systems

“We are storing up problems. These are chronic diseases that require hospital beds. The cost will be enormous.” by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams The World Health Organization (WHO) over the weekend warned that skyrocketing air pollution levels…

Out of NATO? Thousands call for membership referendum in Montenegro, opposition says

An anti-NATO petition calling for a referendum on the country’s accession to the alliance has gathered “tens of thousands of signatures,” claim opposition leaders. The number obtained may already be enough to make the government conduct the ballot. After the…

Labour chief calls for UK role in nuclear de-escalation

Leader of UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn says Britain should not carry nukes on submarines and show its resolve for nuclear “de-escalation.” Corbyn told the state-run BBC on Sunday that the UK could keep its controversial Trident submarine fleet but…

US income gap widening due to lower pay for poor: Study

The income gap in major US cities is widening because pay has plummeted for the poorest households since the Great Recession began in late 2007, according to a new study. Even as the economic recovery gained momentum in 2014, incomes…

Hooray… Iran’s Nuclear Sanctions Lifted

Iran’s Nuclear Sanctions Lifted SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 Sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program are lifted following confirmation of Tehran’s commitment to​ the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by the International Atomic Energy Agency.  European Union foreign policy…

First woman president Tsai Ing-wen delights democratic Taiwan

Taiwan News reporting on Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen’s landslide win says the good lady promises reforms, general cooperation and an aim to establish stability after she was elected Taiwan’s first woman president Saturday, 16 January, 2016.…

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