

Turning trauma into the abolition of war

Turning Trauma into the Abolition of War By David Swanson, World Beyond War “I was sleeping peacefully late one night when I felt someone grab my leg and drag me from my bed onto the floor. My leg was…

Who profits from the refugee crisis?

By Arnie Alpert, Truthout | News Analysis – Monday, 11 January 2016 Wars and persecution have driven the number of refugees to record-breaking highs worldwide, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported in June 2015. Currently 59.5 million…

We must demand a nonviolent solution to war and violence in Syria

by Mairead Maguire (1) for Common Dreams In November 2015 I traveled to Syria with an International Peace delegation. This was my third visit to Syria in the last three years.  As on previous occasions, I was moved by the…

President of Colombia hails progress made in the resolution of 50 years of civil war

Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, addressed the members of the assembled press in a short conference at the CELEC summit taking place in Ecuador today, before returning to talks dealing with the problems of regional poverty. He spoke of…

Photos from the CELAC summit

As 33 heads of state and their representatives meet in Ecuador, just outside Quito in a town called the Middle of the World (Mitad del Mundo), the world’s press gathers to take photos.  After his efforts at last week’s summit…

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador opens the CELAC summit

33 Heads of State or their official representatives arrived at the UNASUR headquarters from 6.30am this morning to be greeted by their host in a colourful and musical welcome. Taking place in the Nestor Kirchner building, named after one of…

North Korea’s Socialist Realism export trade

Mansudae Art Studio in Pyongyang was founded in 1959 and is one of the world’s biggest art factories – Dafen Art Village in China’s Shenzhen surely is another. It employs about 4,000 people, including 800 to 900 of North Korea’s…

Toward a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: one billion citizens’ appeal

Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation: “Toward a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: One Billion Citizens’ Appeal” ************************************************************************** Yasuyoshi Komizo Secretary General of Mayors for Peace Chairperson of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation Despite everyone’s wish for peace, our world is filled with hatred and…

Immediate action needed to Save the Bedouin

Please Take action to Save the Bedouins  by Rabbi Arik Ascherman As you read this, JNF bulldozers are preparing the first stage of building the Jewish community of “Hiran” on the rubble of the Israeli Negev Bedouin community of “Umm…

Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament

On January 28, the UN Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament (OEWG) will hold its first session in Geneva. The OEWG, open to all UN member states and to representatives of civil society, was established by the UN General…

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