

UK budget: Austerity continues as Trident spending rises

Former UN weapons inspector Hans Blix said in 2013 that ‘the UK will not be more protected if it extends life of Trident [the UK’s nuclear weapons system], at a cost of £100bn.’ ‘Delivering the 2013 Joseph Rotblat lecture to…

Will the EU become a criminal Union tomorrow?

The EU that has peace as it’s top goal and received Nobel’s Peace Prize? The EU with Schengen and Dublin? The EU with “European” values, humanism and mission civilisatrice that tells others how to live in accordance with international law…

Ban the Bomb!

Every single issue, problem, crisis, etc. that the media blows up out of proportion is merely a diversionary tactic of the system and those that support and benefit from that system. Actually, this is their strategy to divert attention from…

Day Seven at the ICJ: Making a Big Fuss

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) today concluded the preliminary phase of oral arguments in nuclear disarmament cases brought by the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) against India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The hearings, which took place at…

Turkey: Academics Jailed For Signing Petition

In the latest attack on free speech in Turkey, three academics who signed a peace petition in January 2016 have been jailed by an Istanbul court on suspicion of “making terrorist propaganda,” Human Rights Watch said today. The three were…

Join the March for No Jobs!

By Occupy London The goal of the future is full unemployment’ – Arthur C. Clarke On Saturday April 16, join Radical Assembly in marching for a future without work. Technology is removing jobs at an incredible pace, from factories, supermarkets,…

The Vulture

How billionaire Rubio backer Paul Singer made billions off Argentina debt crisis Argentina has reached an agreement to pay U.S. hedge funds that have sought for 14 years to profit off the country’s debt. The hedge funds bought up Argentina’s…

Young Nepalese all set to initiate positive changes

A programme simply titled “Asian Development 2016″ was organised by the Humanist Movement Nepal, under the auspices of the Community – for human development. It took place on 4th to 6th March 2016, and included a first ever ‘made-in-Nepal’ peace…

Understanding self-hatred in world affairs

If you have ever wondered why the global elite hoards their wealth instead of using it to help break down the violence and injustice in our world, I would like to suggest an answer to your question: self-hatred. If you…

Russia to withdraw from Syria: The beginning of the end?

Russia to withdraw from Syria: The beginning of the end? By Dr. Farhang Jahanpour Oxford University & TFF Board member On Monday 14 March, in a surprise move and without any warning to Western leaders, President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal…

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