

Yunus as nonviolent revolutionary activist

Worldwide, Microcredit is associated with the name of charismatic Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace laureate together with Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank: “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below… Lasting peace cannot be achieved if large populations cannot…

How empathy, not protest, can defeat Trump and right-wing extremism

By George Lakey In Orson Scott Card’s great 1985 strategy novel “Ender’s Game,” a boy named Ender enters a training school where students learn skills for outwitting an opponent. They play computer games that become ever more challenging. The stakes…

Ecuadorian president warns of a new “Condor Operation” against progressive governments

Quito, March 18 (Andes) – Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa warned Friday of a new “Condor Operation” in the region aimed at destabilizing progressive governments. The coordination of actions between right-wing dictatorships is known as Condor Operation, it was registered in…

Bangladesh: too many ‘disappeared’; too little accountability

Bangladesh needs to develop an active human rights attitude within government and its political parties, which state of affairs is far from what it should be in today’s  Bangladesh as citizens disappear with some regularity, telling of the impunity enjoyed by…

Court orders Japan’s Takahama Nuclear Power Plant to shut down

Background:    March 18, 2016   Before the Fukushima triple meltdown five years ago, there were 54 nuclear power reactors in Japan, providing 30 percent of Japan’s electricity.  Following the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of March 11 2011, most of…

Roma Feminists Navigate the Tricky Terrain of Ethnic Stereotypes

 Last year, as the news broke in the Romanian media that a man who had died of AIDS had infected over 30 young women with HIV, it became clear to me that much needed to be done on sexual education…

Europe: missing persons and ways to support victims

Nine ways for European governments to establish the truth about missing persons and support victims Strasbourg, 17 March 2016 – “The protracted inability of European countries to shed light on the fate and whereabouts of tens of thousands of persons who are…

Genocide of the native peoples and slavery in olden days Caribbean

Reparations in the Americas Colonialism Reparation welcomes the support given by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the request for reparations for the genocide of the native peoples and the slavery of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)…

Proclamation ceremony of Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Powerful and Ground-Breaking Tool to Attain Humanity’s Goal, Peace Seoul, Republic of Korea – A flurry of anticipation filled the room of over 1,000 internationally-renowned figures including heads of…

Female circumcision governor of ‘appropriate’ female sexual behaviour in the USA!

FGM in the USA – a forgotten phenomenon: an interview with Sarah Rodriguez By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. Female Circumcision and clitoridectomy were a quite common practice in the United States during 150 years. So FGM is not just an…

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