

Call for action during the NATO summit in Warsaw July 8-9 2016

No to war │ No to NATO bases │ No to the missile defence shield │ No to the arms race│ Disarmament – welfare not warfare │ Refugees welcome here │ Solidarity with peace and anti-war movements The next NATO…

A Federal Syria: Kurdish Initiatives

On 17 March, 2016, the “federal democratic system of Rojava” (a Kurdish term for northern Syria) was proclaimed officially.  Some 150 representatives of Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian (largely Christian) groups met in the city of Rmelan in north-east Syria and…

Japanese Way of Using the Past to Explain the Present

At the New York Day of Remembrance for Japanese-Americans on Saturday, March 26, people gathered at the Japanese American United Church not just to remember the past but also to understand the present moment. Film director Konrad Aderer underlined the…

Slutwalk, Quito, Ecuador 2016

On Saturday 19th of March the 5th annual Slutwalk (la Marcha de las Putas) took place in Quito, Ecuador. Hundreds of men, women, boys and girls, young and old marched through the streets of Quito calling for respect for diversity…

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 2

 In the last 40 years alone—the time from which the first environmental laws were enacted, we have ex­tinguished 50% of the populations of all species on earth, climate change is upon us, and the world’s ecosystems are col­lapsing. One of…

Pope Francis points at weapons industry behind Brussels attack

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has spoken out against the role of the weapons industry in Tuesday’s deadly attack on Brussels. The pope spoke during pre-Easter rituals north of Rome on Thursday. Pope Francis: “Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelists, but brothers, children…

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 1

Por Mumta Ito Our planet Earth in its present mode of fluorescence is being devastated. This devastation is being fostered and protected by legal, political and economic establishments that exalt the human community while offering no protection to the nonhuman…

Public services under attack through TTIP and CETA

By Corporate Europe Observatory EU trade deals with Canada and the US could endanger citizens’ rights to basic services like water and health, as negotiators are doing the work of some of the EU’s most powerful corporate lobby groups in…

Humanitarian groups refuse to partake in ‘mass expulsion’ of refugees

‘It is incomprehensible how Europe has basically suspended the rights of these people who are looking for protection in Greece’ by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams In a stinging rebuke to Europe’s political leaders, four prominent humanitarian groups…

Staying human on Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, a major holiday in the Western Christian traditions. My family being mixed Christians always had two Christmas holidays and two Easters and so on. For us children growing up in the Bethlehem area, there was a nice rhythm and…

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